there is no comparison, one is metal cabinate like a gun case with 18 gadge steel and then taped inside is bubble reflective paper, then at bottom are LEDs that glued or saucer to the roof of cloner chamber also the tray is half size of size of the cloner just wasted space. the top has i call them baby cups in what they call deep feeder, the plastic tray is IKEA which you wont discover till you make your first water change. Then there is hole where the power cords go through to surge protector. Even if there a bunch of things wrong with it you have pay almost 400 dollar to ship it back to them and one of reason is you waited too long another words one thing after another happens till you finally say enough that it I'm sending it back is not a reason to give you refund. Also they take it out of your credit card and also another 20 percent restocking fee for this piece of shit with all these problems. Now BC is more money, but actually engineered by a real engineers. The plugs the way it is put together. i can only compare it to opening up pin ball machine and the wiring how it is and white plugs that plug into motherboard that exactly how it it inside the machine. it pretty much does everything except changing your water once a week. It has computer (not light timers) that can control the length of watering and how many waters in a day, as well as to customize the light being off or on for how long. The system to feed the plants is drip feed which pretty much is the best, because the plant finds the water dripping down, there is no spraying the seed till it finds the water if it doesn't die first just forget one day and they will be dead. The deep water all it is water that sits in tub with black cups in cut out Ikea lid. Which for these guys was the easier cheapest choice, on bottom of plastic i found IKEA stamped into the plastic, for 2k they are putting IKEA plastic tub not to mention the cheapest I would rather have ph meter checker over ppm checker, but Ph checker is much more then ppm meter, so that probably why they didn't include meter both are equal important maybe PH is more so consider, they give you an R/O. I'm pretty sure there was no engineering on how much water or what size tub to use, just like there was no engineering to have the cloner tray fit the cloner chamber. And LED last long, but not forever and not even close to forever after 10 years what mess you have now. Should pullet off what the did they use whatever it was it isn't screws or bolts another cost too much i guess if LEDs were forever then there is no issue but they will go in 10 years, One looks like 2nd grader made it and other one looks like full grown adult with engineering degree made it. BC is more money but the whole unit is intelligent integrated growing machine. Not counting if you going to do illegal stuff with it. It will be collectors piece one day. I doubt they can hold on as a company once weed is legal and can be grown in your own home for personal use, but if you luckily enough to own one before it goes legal, you will have the best damn weed anyone has, you will no doubt be the coolest guy with best weed around and depending on which one you order you have more then enough for you to smoke to your hearts content or enough for you and your best friend and his friends the feeling of just having gob os weed at disposable make it all worth it. if your state is rich there to legalize i say don't buy it just wait, who knows what they will come up when big business comes in although i doubt the new ones once legalized will be light tight and lockable but i interested in seeing what big money has to offer. Stainless steel maybe unless your engineer from MIT or Pennstate you will not cable to build this in your garage.