Fenian Brotherhood
Well-Known Member
That would be a Badass Tattoo 

U drew that Amber?wow! love how you push the limits.thats going to grow a nice fat knuckle. i love fat nuk nuk nuk nukles. I get them on my waterfarm girls. i Liked them so much i even drew a picture of them once.
going up the main branch.
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When Was The Last Time You Shroomed Nigga LOL!Makes me wanna do some shrooms and just stare at it for hours.
We are moving as soon as we have jobs and can afford our own placer u moving at the end of summer???
That would be cool. I think I had f2's, but i gave them to our asian friend when i was back in san diego. If i am not mistaken, he has them going in an outdoor grow right now.Oh wow really??? I will send them to you immediately, I got about 600 of them. I also found pics of the mom and dad for my F2s. Do you want me to post them?