bcseeds oracle bud!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i just don't feel comfortable putting cash in an envelope and putting it in the mail.
at least when you throw money in the ocean, you know where it ends up.


Active Member
Any one for BCsseds, read this....!

taken directly from BCSeeds website under their ToU/Disclaimer:

We sell our seeds for storage in-case the laws change. it is ILLEGAL to germinate seeds in many countries we cannot be seen to be promoting this. Even though our website tells fictional stories and thc levels, they are for entertainments purposes only and should not be considered fact or promote the use of any product for anything in conflict with the law. This site does not actually sell any products, we design and sell websites that are entertaining and we try to include legal disclaimers as promotion to help sell websites. All information provided is for fun and should not be taken seriously. The purchaser of the website should consult with a lawyer before selling products to make sure the disclaimer meets the owners business and legal needs. Any emails or advise should be considered as entertainment only, as such, we can not be held responsible for any conflicts with the law.

BCSeeds does not sell a product, they sell "websites that are entertaining.....All information provided is for fun and should not be taken seriously"

Brick Top

New Member
i just don't feel comfortable putting cash in an envelope and putting it in the mail.

There was a time when cash or money orders were the only way to purchase beans and as odd as it might sound back then people were concerned about money orders and records so the cash option was a popular one. In the past I placed many, MANY orders sending cash and the money never vanished and my beans always arrived.

People worry too much about certain things.


Well-Known Member
I'v never heard of these super strains of almost 50% THC being sold around to people
One would think that if there is asuch a strain that yeilds 2-3 pounds and flowers in 35 days along with almost 50% THC,there would be clones being saved and moved around from fellow growers to other growers.

Sounds like a good fairytle story.


Well-Known Member
if it was real we would be hearing about it everywhere and and every1 including myself would be growing it!!!!!! you can't use the price of the seeds as an excuse as to why the people who know better don't buy them because if they did what they say they do the money could be made back from 1 crop after all how long would it take for the roi on those beans???
Hmmm........well.......I'll make my money back on the Oracle with one crop. 10 seeds, 10 females.

finishing in 35 days and yeilding better than anything else is a ridiculous comment especially with no proof again if it was real there would be grow journals everywhere and again the streets would be flooded with the stuff, again the over expense of the beans is no excuse even if the beans were more expensive they would be everywhere and would be cloned infinitely meaning a 1 time expense????
I wouldn't say it yields better than anything else. There are a number of big yielding strains out there. They do finish flowering in roughly 35 days though. I suppose that if I vegged for 60 days, I'd have a bunch of really big fuckin' Oracles.

i could type away for ages as to the reasons this stuff is a crock of shit but i haven't grown it myself so i won't, but what i will do is ask for proof and by proof i mean articles other than the 1's from the company in question, grow journal's and yes plural more than 1 because after all if this stuff is legit there will be quit a few and also some legit reviews would be nice.
I'd like to see some reviews myself. I harvested a number of plants over the last few days. The Indica 50 was pretty amazing. I was actually wondering if I threw it against the wall, if it might stick. So was the Hawaiian Snow. So was a sour Diesel that isn't a BC strain.

so far i've seen Q's regarding this company several times and everything comes back the same it's a con and after reading for myself i can't come to any other conclusion. i'll use ak47 for an example, look it up rave reviews, lots of journals and at some point damn near every1 has smoked it and can vouch for it's authenticity. so why if these products are as described have they not changed the way we all grow forever because that's what they're claiming, to literally change the way we all grow forever, and just in case some1 reads this and doesn't see what i'm getting at a strain that would out produce any other and would finish in that short of a time period would change the growing industry as we know it forever!!!!! especially for the commercial growers, could you imagine a 35day perpetual yeilding more than any other strain. it would mean atleast x2 as many harvests yeilding heavier than any other. so my opinion is that it's bullshit and until some1 can prove otherwise it'll stay that way, and to the dude with the photo's they could be any strain and could have been flowering longer than you claim so sorry i don't believe them to be evidence, especially as your first post was to come in and to defend them, hell i'm liking th seeds heavy duty fruity at the mo would i feel the need to defend them if they come from the company in Q? hell no it's more than understandable given their info,price,connection to open rip off sites, you only have to look at their site to see they're a joke!!! i'm stoned and rambling now so gonna stop. evidence any1?
As for my credibility relative to the pics I posted, I guess there's no way to judge that. I don't post a lot to these forums. I come here to learn and when I can help, I try. The only reason I posted to this thread was because, at the time I posted, it didn't appear that the people who were posting to this thread were growing the seeds themselves. They were just pissed off that they could buy them if they wanted to. :?

My curiosity has been satisfied. My seeds will pay for themselves in one harvest. I like that. I was out some $$ but I'll have no problem making my money back. I like what I'm growing and I'm glad you didn't buy their seeds. You would have felt totally ripped off had they not done what you are describing above and revolutionized the world. I wasn't expecting that. I just wanted to try them. I had the money and I bought some. I got quite a few more freebies.

Right now I've got an Oracle, Hawaiian Snow and Indica 50 hanging. I've got a Euphoria Unlimited about 10 days out, a few Jedi's, Mt. Everest Skunk and Korean Skunks pretty close to finish. I've also got some really beautiful strains from other seedbanks. At this time, I have only tried the Oracle from another plant that I harvested about 2 weeks ago. It was very strong/good product. I'm a UK Cheese fan myself and I could personally give a shit whether or not a strain yields 50% THC so it's really no skin off my ass if these aren't significantly stronger than strains from other seedbanks. If the other BC strains that I'm growing suck, or if they are noticably better or worse than the other plants relative to potency, I'll be the first to let you know. I have no problem with that. I'm nobody's cheerleader. I just think it's strange that so many people who have not dealt with them hate their guts because they offer the option to buy their seeds at prices that some people don't like. Those same people might just as easily not get their panties in a wad when something is offered for sale that they don't have to buy. That seems very strange to me.

The BC strains all have been very healthy and fun to grow. They are all finishing very nicely and as I said, the Oracles are finishing flowering in the vicinity of 35 days and have all been cloned. I'll grow them again. You won't. That's obviously going to be OK with both of us. When you find a plant that goes from seed to giant yield in 35 days, let us all know.


Brick Top

New Member
This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all.

A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M)
marijuanaseed.us (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka cannabis@direct.A2000.nl [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)



Well-Known Member
This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all.

A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M)
marijuanaseed.us (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka cannabis@direct.A2000.nl [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)

This information relative to BC is incorrect. Plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
So if I order these superior 35 day flower,45% THC seeds from this company,I should be extremely satisfied.Right?

Surely people are selling and swapping these superior clones nowadays.Why grow NL,WW,Chemdog,Skunk ,etc... when one can grow this.And for only thousands for 10 seeds.

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all.

A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M)
marijuanaseed.us (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka cannabis@direct.A2000.nl [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)

This information relative to BC is incorrect. Plain and simple.

Greenman has the most respected and longest running (either 10 years or over 10 years now if I remember right) seedbank rating website on the net. I have relied on his ratings for picking seedbanks ever since his rating site began and his ratings have never steered me wrong yet. I have yet to not receive a single order or have any reason to believe the gear I purchases was anything less than described or inferior in any way.

People, you can trust Greenman's ratings far more than you can trust some totally unknown stranger claiming that BC Seeds is good. Greenman has nothing to gain or lose but with BC Seeds horrible reputation due to selling garbage genetics or not delivering at all could sure use a shot in the arm on sites like this from people who claim to have purchased and grown BC Seeds gear and who claim it to be all it is made out to be.

BC Seeds would sure love all of your cash so when you see someone claiming that the pure garbage genetics BC Seeds offers are the bee's knees ..... caveat emptor ... let the buyer beware.


Well-Known Member
It's always been my assumption...gotta keep the scam going. They've been ripping people off for over a decade.
I'v seen a few(4-5) users defending BCseeds on here about the last year or so.
They don't generally chat about other things on different threads.
They find threads about BCseeds and only that in the rollitup forums.
Seems weird.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I'v seen a few(4-5) users defending BCseeds on here about the last year or so.
They don't generally chat about other things on different threads.
They find threads about BCseeds and only that in the rollitup forums.
Seems weird.
I'm sure that they have their point man lurking around here.


Well-Known Member
Greenman has the most respected and longest running (either 10 years or over 10 years now if I remember right) seedbank rating website on the net. I have relied on his ratings for picking seedbanks ever since his rating site began and his ratings have never steered me wrong yet. I have yet to not receive a single order or have any reason to believe the gear I purchases was anything less than described or inferior in any way.

People, you can trust Greenman's ratings far more than you can trust some totally unknown stranger claiming that BC Seeds is good. Greenman has nothing to gain or lose but with BC Seeds horrible reputation due to selling garbage genetics or not delivering at all could sure use a shot in the arm on sites like this from people who claim to have purchased and grown BC Seeds gear and who claim it to be all it is made out to be.

BC Seeds would sure love all of your cash so when you see someone claiming that the pure garbage genetics BC Seeds offers are the bee's knees ..... caveat emptor ... let the buyer beware.
I've got nothing to lose either. I grow strains from other seedbanks as well. I agree that any buyer should beware. As for BC Seeds, I didn't get ripped off and the strains weren't inferior.....and they germinated just fine with good F/M ratios. As far as what I was willing to pay, that's my business. I'm not recommending them necessarily, but the part about them being a ripoff doesn't fly as far as my experience is concerned. I'm growing for some really sick patients. Some of them require some very strong product to relieve their symptoms. I've even done some water curing just to increase trichome density, but there is a corresponding loss of water soluble cannabinoids. I figured I'd try these BC strains out for that reason. I'll see what's what with these when they finish curing. As for those who have had seeds that didn't pop, that's a real drag and I can understand why they're upset. I bought a blister pack of Master Kush from White Label a couple of months ago. Not one of them popped.