Be careful around RIU.. that's all I'm gonna say. I had a scary experience here..


Well-Known Member
what i said in another thread a numbers game.....if its legal on a state level but illegal on a federal level its like shooting fish in a barrel isn't it......something like 80% of DEA busts are marijuana related.....if numbers are low they can just go raid a few shops, bank a few pounds....air how bad the drug problem is how they need even more money to fight it....while reducing costs of actually trying find private grows, as everybody with a shop is registered.....seems like a nice little gig they got goin!

Fucken assholes

agreed..........and they are stepping up the pace very fast at this very comeing in from all over now........


Well-Known Member
This is a serious threat and it's only going to get harder for patients who really need it (not use it recreation ally) from having access to it. I only grow for myself, my wife and a 2 or 3 friends who are Prop 215 legal who chip in for the electric bill and maintenance. I don't make a single dollar off my meds and will probably never recover the $4k+ I invested.

If they go through with this it will only make growers go underground and send us back nearly a decade of progress. This is bad for the state and the patients, just a bad deal altogether.


Well-Known Member
they pulled this same shit in New Zealand a while back; act like they were decriminalizing and then BOOM! task forces & home sweeps. I've been waiting for this bullshit to hit here. FUCK! may they all burn in hell.


Well-Known Member
the courts are our only recourse if it gets gnarly. go peacefully; post bail; insist on a jury trial; set case law precedents. DO NOT try to fight these fuckers. we still have the courts.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you guys this. I have the best neighbors you could ask for the good ole Michigan militia!! I'm gonna be asking some questions to those dudes they seem to know how to handle their property!!


Well-Known Member
so hard to chooose...those boobs or my plants....i may have to go with the boobs due to the lack of blood in my brain....dunno if im thinkin