Be4 asking what wrong with ur grow, answer these in ur post 1st


Well-Known Member
A lot of people asking for help in diagnosing what's wrong with their crop but fail to supply adequate information for anyone to give proper advice. These requests are generally followed by 5 or more post from other users trying to narrow down their issue by asking numerous questions. Most post with multiple replies can be avoided if the OP answers these few simple questions so we don't have to even ask.

Copy and paste these questions to your post WITH QUALITY pictures and answers. <- I cant stress quality pictures enough (UNDER NATURAL LIGHT, or as close to as possible). IF you can't or wont answer these questions, there's a good chance you're getting bad information even from experienced growers. We can only answer based on the (crappy) info we get. Help us to help you!

1) Q: What exactly are you growing? And how many are you growing? (indoor or outdoor, and ROUGHLY where are you located if growing outdoor)
2) Q: What are the dimensions of your grow space?
3) Q: what is the size of pot(s) you are using?
2) Q: What lights are you using & at what TRUE WATTS FROM THE WALL.... LED, HPS/MH...? ( & how many ) and any specs you can add on your lights will be a plus
*& at what distance is your lights from you canopy?
3) Q: What is your grow medium? Hydro, Soil, Soilless? give details
4) Q: What light schedule are you on and at what week of growth? How many hours light on, how many hours dark?
5) Q: What is the average temp and humidity of your grow space in a 24hour span. Does it jump around a lot?
6) Q: What do you water with? Sink water, RO water? and how often do you water and what signs do you look for that tells you it's time to water?
7) Q: Describe your air circulation. If using fans, what is your CFPM?
8 ) Q: Do you PH your water? if so what is your PH? And are you SURE your PH pen is calibrated. If you don't calibrated AT LEAST once per grow cycle, your PH is most likely off.
9) Q: What nutrients are you feeding with, and at what dosage per Gal/Ltr and how often and how much per plant? What's your PPM <--google if you don't understand.

Guys I know I'm missing a few key questions here, so for all you experience growers here, what else needs to be added to this list? or how would you edit the list that's already here, I'll edit and add it. I highly doubt this will ever be a sticky, but i'll keep bumping this thread often in hopes a lot of people see it. Or anytime someone asked "what's wrong with my plant" you guys can just copy and paste this list to their post to get all the appropriate info to help diagnose their issues.
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