oh yeah, i mean i don't feal quite the philosopher now that i have returned to this demention but it is something truely beyond description, an amazingly joyful happy fealing that seems to well up from deap in your chest, spreading over your face and shoulders like a warm fuzzy glove. you really have to try them to understand the fealing, its like your perspective widens, i wasn't "halucinating" most of the time, i was looking at my world, and noticing every minute detail, appritiating everything, i sat by my pond for nearly 2 hours, just thinking about how i could make myself a better person and the world a better place, I was fealing very humanitarian, thinking about how i might feed the hungry, protect those weaker than me, and lend freindship to the lonely. I havent smoked marijuana in nearly a week (I take breaks often to keep my tolerance low and ambition high) but they do interact very well together. now that i am in this demention again i do feal the urge to be a better, more complete person, not as strong as last night but it opened my eyes to a lot of things, the beatles never made more sence to me than they do now. and yes i do write everything i post, unless i state otherwise, I read a lot, and find that it really helps with elequence in writing, that and my trusty thesouraus, lol. now i just need to work on my spelling.