BEANS!! BEANS!! BEANS!! How to germ? PLZ HELP!!


So I just got my seeds from attitudes 420 promo. ALL FEM 2 AUTO
5 Pineapple Express G13 Labs
3 White Widow G13 Labs
1 Big Bang Greenhouse Seeds
1 Diesel Dinafem
1 Pineapple Chunk Barneys farm
1 Blue Mammoth Barneys Farm
1 Critical Kush Barneys Farm
1 Afghan Kush Ryder
So I'm thinking of germing four of them for now probably the widow, 2 pineapple express, and the diesel.
What I need to know are the best techniques, materials and conditions for germing my beans and getting them into my 3.5 Gal DWC buckets.
Should I germ in A ROCKWOOL cube, in an egg crate with a lil coco as I have done for my first grow(a coco grow) or what are any other good methods. I have all kinds of materials I just want the BEST for my girls. And I'll be keeping this thread updated with my progress(as journals don't seem to get as much traffic) so that any body with ANY input or critiques can chime in. Thanks RIU community GOOD LUCK N GOOD GROW.
P.S. I'll throw my room specs and equipment im working with for anybody that is interested.


Well-Known Member
since you want to keep them separate and identified, i would plant them in root riots, and forget about germing in a paper towel. just pop them in there, and water. i'd like to see the grow area, where this plethora of ganja will be grown.


Yea I'm definatly gonna label and keep em seperate. And thanks for the root Riot idea I saw those at my grow shop and was wondering about them so I'll check them out when I go there tomorrow. And I'm using a lil 5x4x7 foot storage shed, For now I just have a few girls in a grow tent that is currently in the area. I'm gonna drywall, mudd, Mylar and fix it up real pretty like once I harvest my other girls. But I have a nice lil germ area set up to start them out. I plan on having my room ready this weekend after I harvest so any input about that would be great too. You can get an Idea of my grow here until I can take some good pics in the morning.
Thanks Again and good luck n good grow.


Well-Known Member
I usually let them soak for 6 to 12 hrs however long for it to sink to the bottom(seeds cracked and become waterlogged) I then put them in a wet paper towel over my seedling heatmat. In about 48hrs from start of soak they're emerged and ready to go into presoaked 5.5 ph RW.

Then I spin the RW out in a salad spinner till they're about 7g(can't get em any drier than that really) and then I open up the premade while a bit with tweezer that I then use to pick up the seed and set the root downwards. Fray some rw from the opening so it covers the hole. Water .2EC w nutrient water and call it a day.


New Member
Shot glass with few drops of H2o2 in dark place and they pop within 24-48 hours 100%. Let them get out about 3/8" before planting, they will take off quicker.

No voodoo, magic, paper this or that, heating mats, domes, humidity blah blah.. They are in water so the humidity is a non-factor like if they are in wet towels etc.. I did all the other BS ways until an old friend spilled the beans on his method that has worked many years for him to me, and you know what old geezers sometimes are right.


Yea I'm kinda of the school of just putting them in some coco to germ usually and go from there. I was just a lil concerned about them being beaten up in the hydroton once I got then to germ. But the guy at the grow shop gave me a FREE bag of rockwool circle cubes the ones that have a slit down the side. So I'm thinking that I'll just soak them with 5.5PH RO water and put the seeds in and after a few days I'll check the cube and see what way the root is heading and then put the cube root down. I have done a LOT of thinking about this and I figure it'll work but I'm gonna let the seed sit in some H2O for a day then put them in. So if they do pop in there great and the I'll probably go with that method from then on(it would be nice to see exactly how big it is and I could do that with the shot glass technique. So thanks for the input. I'm gonna drop a few here in the next day or two so I'll keep it posted.
Good Luck n Good Grow