Beans held at the border??? what should i do


Hey all i recently made a purchase from attitude and upon receiving the package there were no beans but inside was a non monetary general receipt from the Canadian border services stating that they had held the beans. I was not impressed with my stupidity in failing to realize it is illegal to import them into the country, when i could have gotten then from a closer source. I had done business with the tude before with great success and thought nothing of placing an order on 420 which was shortly after my last incomplete order. Now my question to you all is, should i be concerned about being flagged to check any incoming package to me(my next order, allready in transit) and do any of you know the repercussions of this action in Canada as i would like to know if this will be an issue if ever traveling abroad etc. Not sure if this is the right section for this post but figured its close enough sorry if so, thanks for any replies, cherrs!

Smokey Bandit1

Well-Known Member
I wouldnt do anything unless you got some guarantee from the place you purchased from.What ever you do dont go there or you'll probably be arrested.


Yea i figured not showing up there would be a good idea, just hoping not to be flagged to get the next and last purchase from the tude opened as well, should know sometime this week though. For a minute i thought attitude might reimburse but it seems to me they only guarantee the shipping of their apparel and merchendise not their beans, someone please correct me if i am wrong. Also the receipt stated they were not reported or illegally imported so im not sure that any authorities have been involved yet and hoping for them to stay clear. Would still like to know if this has happened to anyone else out there what what reprocussions were served to them from such an action, thanks again for the reply