Beardo, Let's Talk Aliens

This doesn't surprise me but hopefully they will not make recharging over the US a regular event. They normally do this in Mexico when in North America maybe HAARP was malfunctioning and they were forced into US airspace when the storm wasn't formed in the intended area. I think it is great that the "aliens" have gone green and realized the benefits of electric vehicles as opposed to fossil fuels. I just hope whatever meetings they were here for went well or else the ebola's probably goin to get pretty bad around here.
Yeah, the drought in CA is because HAARP has been diverted to help hide the aliens getting their resources in new locations. I like the way the media plays up all of the domestic violence in the NFL all of the sudden, like it's some new phenomena. Pure red herring for the lemmings. Ebola is probably the aliens' Caseron. I'm pretty sure they are in cahoots with either the US or Isreali gov'ts to help eradicate the W. Africans so we can mine their gold because we will need it to replace the empty vaults at Ft. Knox and our other reserves when the economy collapses and our gold reserve ponzi scheme crashes. Some major shit is going down.
my spaceship
I held a secrete clearance. I worked on JSTARS, similar to AWAX. Also some B1's. No shit they would shut that bitch down sometimes and even with a clearance I wasn't allowed to see what landed or what was in the hanger.

I have always wondered, knowing what I was allowed to see as far as technology, it REALLLLLY makes me want to know what I was not allowed to.
I held a secrete clearance. I worked on JSTARS, similar to AWAX. Also some B1's. No shit they would shut that bitch down sometimes and even with a clearance I wasn't allowed to see what landed or what was in the hanger.

I have always wondered, knowing what I was allowed to see as far as technology, it REALLLLLY makes me want to know what I was not allowed to.

You lost me at "secrete"

but I do love me some Al Bundy
Secret not secrete. It's just a level of security clearance. And they really go back and interview family and friends.
Secret not secrete. It's just a level of security clearance. And they really go back and interview family and friends.

OOOOOooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe I'm about to get top secret clearance. "They" have been talking to my family and friends about me for some time.
One bad word eh? Well, they must be asking about some other shit then. Cannabis allows me to figure out the secrets for myself.

If you could see my mind, if you really look deep, then maybe you'll find
That somewhere there will be a place, hidden behind my comedian face
You will find somewhere there's a house, and inside that house there's a room
Locked in the room in the corner you see
A voice is waiting for me, to set it free, I got the key, I got the key
Voices, I hear voices
Now that my mind is really starting to clear from all the years of drugs i have been remembering all of the strange things I have experienced here and there and just blew off.
However there have been so many now I have to say it was a SERIES of well timed events leading to what?
Possibly an understanding?
Possibly a preperation?
Preperation H so far, butt we shall see.
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