Beat This


Active Member
This is what a 250 Watt HPS and really expensive bag seed can get you. These were pretty much only feed tons of budswel and bat gauno , worm castings. One bud is close to the size of a 2 liter and most others are 20 oz pop bottles. Its sick, I cant believe it.



Well-Known Member
Not Bad Man But Ur Plants Look Heat Stressed And Bad In Some Parts How Hot Is It In There And Also Ur Buds Seem Kinda Fluffy And Not Dense What Strain U Using A Sativa Dominate Looks Like


Active Member
Explain to me, where it's bad, cause this is the first time. The pictures don't do justice at all to what it really looks like. I swear to Lucifer it's awesome looking.


Active Member
I know why its because in the pics with all the massive buds, the fan leaves are foldedback so the buds could get maximum light penetration. The buds are very dense, in that one pic, you can clearly see through the silohouette that the buds are monsters. Im betting its a pound or more give or take a lilbit.


Well-Known Member
Excellent,congrats on a kick ass grow my friend,i do agree on the heat stress though,if at all possible try lowering the temp at canopy level about 5 degrees,the heat stress dont look too bad but its visable in the curling.

Think of it like this,you know when its hot as a mo fo outside & your so hot its all you can do to walk around,your not getting much accomplished when its that hot,plants are the same,when their too hot they waste energy keeping cool,that saved energy could make your allready massive buds even better.


Well-Known Member
if it ends up fluffy because of the heat, it wont be a pound. looks nice though,late


Active Member
actually if you go to post your pics, i posted two good pics, high res.
Page 2 under "King-Shite". Take a gander,


Active Member
Lol here's my biggest yield with the 250w. My first grow. Yielded a lot lot but wasn't worth a shit. Flowered for like 13 wks or so in a 3gal pot of soil. So heavy needed to tie those colas up!



Well-Known Member
Lmao a pound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolololololol dude you have one plant and a 250w hps. dont get your hopes up buddy. i hope youll settle for a few ounces. a pound ahahahahha i love it


Active Member
Lmao a pound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolololololol dude you have one plant and a 250w hps. dont get your hopes up buddy. i hope youll settle for a few ounces. a pound ahahahahha i love it
..oh, lol. Don't have to be so harsh. I'm sure he didn't mean to say a lb lol.


Active Member
You bet your took-uss I did, and you sir thanks for the back up. Im simply saying its gonna be so much more than I ever imagined on the first time. I cut one nug the size of of half a banana it wieghed 17.4. I dont know how much I'll lose but the buds are dense.


Active Member
The plant looks OK. I'm sorry but the do look a bit fluffy. If you are impresed with yourself now, wait till you get more watts, the buds will really tighten up then. Also, how big is the grow area?