Beautiful Seedling for First Grow


Active Member
hello alll , well this actually is my 2nd plant im growing at the moment , the other is an outside project , this however is taking place entirely within the remnents of a old pc case haha :D , but the plant i must sayis doing extremely well and looks like a excellent specimen,not sure on the strain but for the past 8 days since it come up from the soil it has received 24 hours light now broken down to 18-6 hehe, its growing under on 9 wat cfl haha it loves and and 3 ordinary pc fans running 24hr since its very warm in my rooom. let me know what you think pleaseeee:twisted::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
looking good....for 8 days since sprouting....I'll keep an eye on this as I am at a similar timing...good luck


Active Member

thanks alot tahoe ill make sure to keep up to date =] do you like my pc stealth box?

i included the pics of when it was first coming up and i had the hard drive & cd rom bays still in the case , now as you saw i have them removed and the case is now sitting on what used to be the face of the case. :D

hopefully others will catch on , as this is the simplest design to make , if you have the required parts as in , old pc case , batten holder (light fighting)i have one 9 watt cfl hehe , pc power supply (i have 250v) for fans only ) 3 fans. and lol this is funny i have a old motherboard taped to the other side to act as a switch for the fans haha :D



Active Member
as you can see , with the side panel on , knobody even would suspect i was growing a plant in it , no light escapes , except very minimal amount that would be normal for a pc hehe


Active Member
will make it a bonsai ,give it 18-6 for veg state? for as long as needed , then restrict day/nite , to 12 /12 to induce flowering?? i think thats my plane, to see how quickly i can produce buds , not just for the yield :D


Active Member
It's going to be hard to grow in that tiny box. I've experimented with the bonsai method, and not even in a space that small and found myself unsuccessful. Even if you start the plant into flower a month into veg, you will still end up with a 2'-3' tall plant!