
Let me guess, you have the attachments.:lol:
yeah it is, especially being that far out, next stop MU69 i think. What strikes me about it, is how the formed together and also stayed together cause of a mutual gravity....kind makes ya think what else is out there....that's a big forken sky out there...
What's really scary is how limited the brain capacity for flat Earthers is. They just can't grasp the enormousness of what's out there.
What's really scary is how limited the brain capacity for flat Earthers is. They just can't grasp the enormousness of what's out there.

you are correct in that thinking my's like they shut off they're brain to anything new in the realm of possibilities. What are the possibilities, for me dunno, all i do know, that it's a big sky out there and alot of possibilities. Science has just started....