
Any idea where that pick was taken? I may have seen the magpie.

lol, those darn magpie's ....

actually the picture was sourced from a friend of mine named Ziggy, he's a part of the Lakota tribe, met him at a pow wow. Orginal sourse photographer hasn't been found according to him.......

it's a basic reminder of what is called the Great Race, in native american culture...

it's also part of a legend of the Great Buffalo Dance too....
In the early 80s someone gave me a glossy but very readable book about "cars, the new classics" I think. One of the concepts in there was the Pininfarina "Modulo" built on a Ferrari Berlinetta Boxer chassis. It was undrivable, but it hit me right in the middle of the disco-raygun aesthetic. (Cue original Battlestar Galactica theme)

It is shown here in front of Lancia's Stratos Zero Bertone.


Those headlights must have influenced the Bugatti EB110 (from before VW bought the brand and began building cars more expensive to maintain than purchase).

hey....i wear khakis, crocs, and old stained holey t-shirts most of the time (because i stain shit with leather dye and wood stain, and solder, and chemicals...)....i got no problem with anyone wearing whatever they want....just don't expect me to hang out with you if you wanna wear that^
imagine waiting for....him? get ready...."just a few more minutes, i'm airbrushing my head"....
I'm just teasing you.

He's was on rupaul's drag race several years ago. You should come here for Pride :D I'll introduce you to some queens who make that makeup seem tame.

I'd probably still take longer to get ready.
not that i don't usually appreciate the finished results...but i'm fucking impatient...i have a very poor sense of passing time. i have to keep an eye on the clock, or 5 minutes of waiting seems like 30 to me, seriously. i've given people shit about waiting forever after ten minutes....till it was pointed out to me that it had only been ten minutes, while to me it seemed like every second of at least an hour...
it makes it hard to meditate. i can get into the "flow"...but after a few (hours to me) minutes, i peek at the clock and fuck it all up
You need a fidget puzzle or a mindless game for your phone to help pass the time.

My partner feels your pain. She will throw on a hoodie and be ready in thirty seconds and I'll spend the next hour obsessing about every little detail and have to change two or three times before I'm ready.