
Self portriat?
We dont have monsters here. I am thinking 2nd. We used to have a one eyed mom that had 2 every year, then she got hit by a car (blindsided) a few years ago. Last year was first year since that I saw a doe with 2 of her own.
Though not monsters, ours are bigger than your pic but tend to be not near as plump as yours due to droughts(sub species of mule deer). As of now I haven't seen any moms cruise through my place yet, they tend to move around early morning and dusk/night. If I see any will try for a pic
Though not monsters, ours are bigger than your pic but tend to be not near as plump as yours due to droughts(sub species of mule deer). As of now I haven't seen any moms cruise through my place yet, they tend to move around early morning and dusk/night. If I see any will try for a pic
These are mule deer as well.
We usually have a couple moms.
But I fear we are down a fawn. Facial structure of mom looks familiar but I didnt look real close yesterday. She seemed to be looking around more.
well yesterday evening after i got out of work it was raining, not hard just a light soaker nothing to much. So after i got home, i decided to head out in to the garden and kick back with a little smoke and a cold cold beer......low and behold look do what i see....

white roses are blooming
one of my trees blooming, bee love it and butterflies enjoy, they are little pink ones, yeah you guessed it Mrs Budman's choice

peppers, think i need pluck them penial looking eh...
and last but not least, my 20yr rose bush still giving out bloom at least for a while till mid summer

yeah my camers sucks..........

p.s this is also how you can put up multiple pictures too.....