
"Pending Shitstorm" One of the best photos I had, it was removed because of rules or some chit about exposed body parts.

I'm sure whomever removed it got a chuckle.:bigjoint:

Would not want to be in it or near it for that matter. What shitstorm.:-P
That rack looks like the cow-catcher on the old steam locomotives. I heard tell that a bull moose in rut would often charge a locomotive (to his detriment).
No wonder. The machine looked like competition.

~edit~ and sounded like it too, snort wail

I've personally never experienced it but I have heard many stories of belligerent Bulls coming to folks cutting firewood with chain saws.
If you're really imaginative you can "think" the saw sounds like a lonesome cow but come on, the stink of the exhaust should throw them off.

I've personally never experienced it but I have heard many stories of belligerent Bulls coming to folks cutting firewood with chain saws.
If you're really imaginative you can "think" the saw sounds like a lonesome cow but come on, the stink of the exhaust should throw them off.

Maybe two-stroke exhaust smells exotic and alluring to a moose in testosterone psychosis.
