This site will give you the time, elevation, and direction to see the ISS when it goes over your location.from ISS.....
My go-to for tracking the Station and other bright satellites is heavens-above dot com. Near the Summer Solstice I could just spot the Station passing north at midnight. At my new latitude I'm just too far south for those shenanigans.This site will give you the time, elevation, and direction to see the ISS when it goes over your location.
International Space Station
See the International Space Station! As the third brightest object in the sky the space station is easy to see if you know when to look
This site will give you the time, elevation, and direction to see the ISS when it goes over your location.
International Space Station
See the International Space Station! As the third brightest object in the sky the space station is easy to see if you know when to look
My go-to for tracking the Station and other bright satellites is heavens-above dot com. Near the Summer Solstice I could just spot the Station passing north at midnight. At my new latitude I'm just too far south for those shenanigans.
Wed Oct 9, 7:18 PM | 5 min | 67° | 10° above NW | 19° above ESE |
Back in the '60s you'd just have a kid crawl out of the passenger window and adjust'em until you gave the "got it" signal. Wouldn't even have to slow below 60 mph.Be difficult to adjust the side view mirrors on the datsun, and even more so on the red jeep