
Watched a very cool thing on Prime the other day.
“NOVA - Planets”, tour of the solar system. Lotsa planetary science that was new to me, and as y’all know I’m a space geek of sorts.

One of the coolest things was the Cronian (to Saturn what lunar is to the moon) satellite Enceladus, which has a series of geysers or cryovolcanoes in its south polar region.

On its last few orbits, the Cassini spacecraft flew as close as 50km to the moon through the plumes. It detected salty water containing some simple and credibly prebiotic/ biological carbon compounds. This body has now displaced Europa as the likeliest place to look for non-terrestrial life. How cool is that!

Watched a very cool thing on Prime the other day.
“NOVA - Planets”, tour of the solar system. Lotsa planetary science that was new to me, and as y’all know I’m a space geek of sorts.

One of the coolest things was the Cronian (to Saturn what lunar is to the moon) satellite Enceladus, which has a series of geysers or cryovolcanoes in its south polar region.

On its last few orbits, the Cassini spacecraft flew as close as 50km to the moon through the plumes. It detected salty water containing some simple and credibly prebiotic/ biological carbon compounds. This body has now displaced Europa as the likeliest place to look for non-terrestrial life. How cool is that!

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Such an amazing series! I've recorded them all and have watched them several times. Beautiful productions, so well done...