
Atlas missiles were at Whiteman AFB, quite far from St Louis. Titan II's were near Wichita, near Little Rock, and near Tucson. There were site simulators on bases for the crews to practice on.
I was just a kid, so don't remember too much. Maybe they were a tracking station or something. For the 70's, there were a lot of big electronic maps with colored lights.

{he lived in East St. Louis. Not sure which side of the river the base was on}
I was just a kid, so don't remember too much. Maybe they were a tracking station or something. For the 70's, there were a lot of big electronic maps with colored lights.

{he lived in East St. Louis. Not sure which side of the river the base was on}
There was a big Comm center there at that time, according to Wiki. They supported SAC, who owned all the missiles.
I visited the Titan Silo Museum in AZ. They had that big single reentry body on static display. I also liked the fuel and oxidizer conditioning tanks adjacent to the silo.

It was the Redstone you fell under, right?