
We listen to a bunch of great horned owls every night. I can copy their calls and get them to answer me back. I have a vision of accidentally saying the wrong thing to them and having a pissed off bird in my face. Their talons are no joke.
Oh boy you know it! They’d pick up a chihuahua right now! I’ve got something rather large in my birdbath at the moment...
We have a monster sized bald eagle that lives behind us on the edge of the forest. They’ve got a really big nest up in a dead oak. I heard them for the first time today. I thought the horses were fighting a laughing hyena.

One eagle has a wing span, that I know is every bit of 8 ft.
On New Year's Day I was taking a load of folks down to see the river house and there was one on a deer carcass. Just the 2nd one I have ever seen in Larry Land. The other one was also eating dead deer, up by the graveyard a couple of three years ago.
On New Year's Day I was taking a load of folks down to see the river house and there was one on a deer carcass. Just the 2nd one I have ever seen in Larry Land. The other one was also eating dead deer, up by the graveyard a couple of three years ago.
I had no idea that they ate dead stuff did you?

@cannabineer maybe that’s where the possum skull came from?
We listen to a bunch of great horned owls every night. I can copy their calls and get them to answer me back. I have a vision of accidentally saying the wrong thing to them and having a pissed off bird in my face. Their talons are no joke.
I was camping at the Rock Bluff site in Torreya State Park once. Two owls were going back and forth, and I joined in. I'm not great at it, but I did manage to get one of them in the tree above me. I decided the prudent thing to do was get in the tent. Next morning my food bag was ripped. Not sure if it was the owl or not.
Since I don't spend as much time on the water as I used, most of the Bald Eagles I see are eating road kill.
We were fishing out of our boat and I released a fish but it wasn't doing well, just floating. A bald eagle and an osprey spotted it at the same time. I saw what was going to happen and tried to get my camera in time, but didn't. Both the birds went after the fish and amazingly the osprey came out the winner on that. That was really cool to watch.
We were fishing out of our boat and I released a fish but it wasn't doing well, just floating. A bald eagle and an osprey spotted it at the same time. I saw what was going to happen and tried to get my camera in time, but didn't. Both the birds went after the fish and amazingly the osprey came out the winner on that. That was really cool to watch.
Those osprey put Bill Dance to shame (I love Bill Dance)

I had no idea that they ate dead stuff did you?

@cannabineer maybe that’s where the possum skull came from?
Oh yeah bald eagles are less than majestic in their dining habits. I think it was @GreatwhiteNorth who posted a pic of a bunch of baldies on a dumpster.

The ... rabbit skull? (incisors suggest a big rodent/lagomorph) could have been eagle waste. Certainly adds a romantic element to a ripe greezy corpse-bit. Run with it. :joint: