Some say a photon is a packet of waves, point is the question of how to grow the best garden can be interpreted in many ways and so far there haven't been any personal attacks on anyone's expressed view. Why? Y'alls care deeply about weed and less about the esoteric question of what is light. Yet people loose their shit about what is the best light without giving g it a second thought.
AT this point I can't afford the best spectrum and all that. So it's all about photons and flux.....
And of course watching and listening to the plants....and learning.
here is some for what I am doing...
Quick Guide - Lux Levels for Optimal Cannabis Growth
Life Stage MaximumGoodMinimum
Vegetative 70,000 lux 40,000 lux 15,000 lux
Flowering 85,000 lux 60,000 lux 35,000 lux
< 15,000 lux - sparse or "stretchy" growth - plant isn't getting enough light
15,000 - 50,000 lux - good amount of light for healthy vegetative growth
45,000 - 65,000 lux - optimal amount of light for cannabis plants in the flowering (budding) stage
70,000 - 85,000 lux - a
lot of light, some strains do okay at this light level, but some plants lose their top leaves early under this light intensity, especially plants that are not resistant to heat/light (like many indicas)
> 85,000 lux - at this light intensity, you've hit the plant's "saturation point" which means your plant can't use all the light. ( bleaching can happen. )
more info
Light Requirements of “High Energy” Plants
Amount of luxPlant Growth
1000 – 5000 lux Min. necessary for life
10000 – 15000 lux Min. necessary for consistent but sparse growth
20000 – 25000 lux Min. necessary for robust growth
25000 – 30000 lux Max. Efficiency for Sub Tropical varieties
25000 – 50000 lux Max. Efficiency for Equatorial varieties
Plants need 25000-50000 lux too grow fast.