Becoming disenchanted with the herb and the whole scene.

OldMedUser, I am greatly moved by your honest, and helpful post here. You might just now have
saved me from a lot of misery and worse. How can I thank you? Wow man, from 75cc down to 55cc,
from RSO. Man, i hope that turns out to be the answer for you. And, as it turns out for me too.
And then there's the little matter that your post here might save the lives of any who read it, not
to mention agony and cancer before they face the inevitable.

You must've saved some lives at some point in time, somewhere, as implied in your words.
For even trying to help others as you say you've done, is highly honorable. What did our introspective
friends Dreaming1 and DankBudz say here:
They say that helping others is the way to help yourself
I agree, that does sound fulfilling being in a position to help others.

The other thing is that pretty much makes you the expert on RSO I guess. MY MAN! :clap:
You'd given me info before on RSO a couple weeks ago, while I appreciated
it then, I dig it a whole lot more now. Jeeze, so it helps for your MS too. Or at least we can bloody
well pray that it does. God bless you, my good man. I never really thot it'd help medically, but that's only because
I haven't totally trusted the pro-cannabis studies that say it does, not that they're lying or wrong, but
i want a more objective set of studies so i could trust the positive research that is released. It's kind
of why I don't believe people who say our election down here was stolen, the objective counts and
court decisions all show it to be the cleanest election in US history. I guess that's what they call "critical thinking"
nowadays. Wow, man, there's so much more to discuss. You type like a freakin' maniac, btw, that is
to say you write very well, and clearly. Thank you for coming forth. I feel, almost like I owe you or
something. Especially regarding medical issues.