BecoTek - Simple Cube Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello! I have played around and decided to grow Cubes in my own way. I will try to detail this method as best as possible. This is to give people an alternative to growing fungus that maybe they haven't seen before.


What I did was...
  • Spread about 2 inches of composted manure in the bottom of the pan
  • I then wet the manure, but not soaking it
  • Break up the mycelium and spread it over the manure
  • Cover this with the seed starter mix/Perlite
  • I covered the pan with foil for about a week or so to allow the mycellium to establish itself.
  • After this, I soaked the medium with ph neutral water and placed it in a sunny room until Pins started showing.
  • Then I placed it into a closet with a 23w CFL Light and it has been doing great! I spray the soil regularly to keep the moisture up and occasionally pour a small amount of water into the pan.

I haven't seen any mold or other contams. The mushrooms are potent and thriving. and just keep coming up.