So, I gotta tell this story. Way back, I mean, way, way, way back like the late '70's. I told you it was waaaaay back there.
Okay, me and a good friend of mine, who I know is a lurker here_and can attest to this story_decided to go fishing in the morning. Friend says "can my brother-in-law come along? He's kewl". Okay, I got no problem with anyone and people who are kewl, well, come on and join in
Now, you have to understand that I've always been known for having the 'good shit'.
So, shortly before sunrise, all 3 of us are in my car heading to someplace where we think we can terrorize some fish. Of course, we are smoking phatt jaybirds on the way_gotta have that morning wake & bake

_so we get to the fishing hole and set about fishing.
Hooks baited with worms, one more fat bomber

, and let's fish. My friend cast first, nice cast, bobber floating, life is good. I go next, basically same thing, no problem.
Now, I want you to put into your head what a person looks like when they are preparing to cast a fishing line. Their arm goes upwards and then they move the arm forward and cast the line out. All in one fluid motion. Well, brother-in-law, doesn't smoke that much weed, so when he goes to cast. I guess that the rapid arm movement was a bit too much for him and when he cast his line out. He basically followed it and fell face forward right into the water.
He ended up face down in the water, along the shoreline, maybe 6" deep, flopping around like a fish.

We just stood there looking at each other and then at him, and then broke out into uncontrolled laughter. When he got up he said he's never been this high before and asked us to take him to the hospital. Oh sure, like we are going to do that.
Enjoy the eye candy and the day.