Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?


Hey all. I have been flowering for about 6 weeks now. It took 3 weeks to show definite signs of sex on 3 plants (all female). Now at a total of 6 weeks, the bud sites are still looking too young. Take a look at the pics, do you think I dont have enough light? Should I prune or "lolipop" to get the buds thickening up?

Super silver haze: different buds on same plant look more mature.


Afgan something: looking healthy


Grow looks like a damn jungle in my closet. Should I thin it out?


Wow.. with the flash look what the afghan looks like! From tip to tip of hair its probably 1 inch in diameter.



Active Member
looks like u need Bottom + Side Lighting coz that grow space is out of control with GREEN xD + i would start givin em some proper Bloom Nutes.


They are on bloom nutes, 12-12 lighting for the last 6 weeks. CFL lights. it is about 7 or 8 total soft white (which make lots of heat and not much light!) CFLs that are about 19-23 watts each.


Never heard of doing that except to force them to flower. Do some strains need different timing for flowering?

exodus mission

Well-Known Member
i would put it down to the growing enviroment lights etc...... more darkness makes them mature quicker which would not be great with yours as you have small flowers in turn a shit yield.................


Well-Known Member
6 weeks since you switched to 12/12??? WOW, your plant has got issues.

Yes; she looks well vegged.. Did you change the lights when you went from Veg to Flower? As you didn't mention that.
Is your grow area contained? Whats your reflective situation? I.e. Are you using Mylar/PandaFilm....etc.etc..

In comparison to other CFL grows; yours is very stunted in terms of where you should be since running 12/12 for 6 weeks.


I switched from daylight/bright white bulbs to soft white bulbs when i went from veg to flower. I had to remove the reflective box I built out of reflective foam board, because it grew too much. The plants have about quadrupled since I put them on 12/12 flowering. Should I prune it down so more light reaches farther? Or should I cut off some of the 50 little bud nodes? lol


Using Botanicare pure blend pro grow/bloom. I give them as much light as I can without overheating. I have to open the door to air it out or it gets to like 100 deg. The downside for doing it upstairs =( next time I wont make that mistake again... If they just bud slowly will I still get a good product? Just longer wait time?


Any ideas guys? If I prune back some of the overlapping foliage or remove some of the smaller bud sites will it help them mature faster? More light to the main colas??
Looking good, but not right for 6 weeks of flowering, pump all that light on em, as much and as close as you can. Maybe you have a light leak at night time. I'd check that out from what I've learned.

Puma :-o


Active Member
Looks like you need a ton more lights, and they look like some monster closet sativas,lol

gonna be a while for ya, but look healthy!

EDIT: mabey they started to flower, they the high heat/door openings brought em back to reveg and stopped flower production.