Been feeling horrible when I toke, please help!

Hello, This has only happened to me a lot recently with only two really spread out occurrences in the past. Basically at a set point in time when I'm getting high testerday it was right after me and a buddy finished a blunt (very skimp), last time it was after my fourth blunt with two other homies and I. What happened is that I'll get a horrible feeling and my vision while sitting up will fade out to what I can only describe as like black and white smudging or squares and I'll have to close my eyes and put my head basically in my lap and control my breathing for a pretty long time to get out of it. If I try to push through it'll gradually gets worse and worse and I can't take the sharp pain. So I have to wait always and it sucks cause I feel like I'm fucking with my homies experiences. If you guys could please help me discover the root of this that would be amazing! Some more info is that this did happen for the first time a long while back probably over 6 months back while smoking two joints between 5 people, but then didn't happen again until like two months ago now these last two weeks it's happened both times I have smoked. I used to smoke a blunt a day when it happened for the first time but since around that time I stepped it up to several heavy seshes throughout the day for almost 6 months now (it happened once during this time too) until two and a half weeks ago I injured (need to get an MRI for more conclusive results) my ATFL and have been on ibuprofen 800 mg, I usually take one a day at a random time. I'm a big dude at 6 ft 230 and I know while I was still at my university (had to leave 2 and a half weeks ago cause of my ATFL) I had a pretty high weed tolerance so I don't think it's that Im getting too high cause each time it's happened I know I've been wayyyyyyyyyyyyy higher in a lot of other occasions. And although the IB 800 dosent really affect me much could it be fucking with my highs? Thanks for any help! It is sincerely appreciated.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So to summarize you sprained your ankle, are occasionally taking Ibuprofen and get whitey's when you smoke and wonder if it's Ibu related?

Stop the blunts until your talofibular ligament heals, smoke only marijuana and no nicotine. Take the Ibuprofen at meals (preferably breakfast), with some protein.
Good luck
So to summarize you sprained your ankle, are occasionally taking Ibuprofen and get whitey's when you smoke and wonder if it's Ibu related?

Stop the blunts until your talofibular ligament heals, smoke only marijuana and no nicotine. Take the Ibuprofen at meals (preferably breakfast), with some protein.
Good luck
Yea I haven't really been taking it with meals so I'll do that, and yea yesterday since we had little mj we spliffed it up. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hello, This has only happened to me a lot recently with only two really spread out occurrences in the past. Basically at a set point in time when I'm getting high testerday it was right after me and a buddy finished a blunt (very skimp), last time it was after my fourth blunt with two other homies and I. What happened is that I'll get a horrible feeling and my vision while sitting up will fade out to what I can only describe as like black and white smudging or squares and I'll have to close my eyes and put my head basically in my lap and control my breathing for a pretty long time to get out of it. If I try to push through it'll gradually gets worse and worse and I can't take the sharp pain. So I have to wait always and it sucks cause I feel like I'm fucking with my homies experiences. If you guys could please help me discover the root of this that would be amazing! Some more info is that this did happen for the first time a long while back probably over 6 months back while smoking two joints between 5 people, but then didn't happen again until like two months ago now these last two weeks it's happened both times I have smoked. I used to smoke a blunt a day when it happened for the first time but since around that time I stepped it up to several heavy seshes throughout the day for almost 6 months now (it happened once during this time too) until two and a half weeks ago I injured (need to get an MRI for more conclusive results) my ATFL and have been on ibuprofen 800 mg, I usually take one a day at a random time. I'm a big dude at 6 ft 230 and I know while I was still at my university (had to leave 2 and a half weeks ago cause of my ATFL) I had a pretty high weed tolerance so I don't think it's that Im getting too high cause each time it's happened I know I've been wayyyyyyyyyyyyy higher in a lot of other occasions. And although the IB 800 dosent really affect me much could it be fucking with my highs? Thanks for any help! It is sincerely appreciated.
Im surprised to see this hasn't only happened to me, with that I can give you very good advice, usually when that type of thing happens to me I realize that it's really all in my head since you've had it happen to you so often, your brain automatically let's out that feeling, basically cause you're already thinking about it happening, even though you don't even notice it, I've been getting some bud that's in the THC percentage range of 18%-22% which 15 % is considered pretty potent, it
causes my vision to become how you described but only for like 2 minutes with me after i hold in for a decent amount of time and exhale it's like a really trippy head high, as far as the pain you just have to not focus on it so much, and enjoy your high, the pain will quickly go away, you just gotta basically meditate, and not think about it, ironically I just figured this out last night when I was smoking some sour og, that was the highest I've been in a long time.
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Im surprised to see this hasn't only happened to me, with that I can give you very good advice, usually when that type of thing happens to me I realize that it's really all in my head since you've had it happen to you so often, your brain automatically let's out that feeling, basically cause you're already thinking about it happening, even though you don't even notice it, I've been getting some bud that's in the THC percentage range of 18%-22% which 15 % is considered pretty potent, it
causes my vision to become how you described but only for like 2 minutes with me after i hold in for a decent amount of time and exhale it's like a really trippy head high, as far as the pain you just have to not focus on it so much, and enjoy your high, the pain will quickly go away, you just gotta basically meditate, and not think about it, ironically I just figured this out last night when I was smoking some sour og, that was the highest I've been in a long time.
damn I feel for you, but that completely makes sense this last time I was actually asking my Freind what I should do about it and when I started describing it it almost felt like I self induced it. Thank you!! Now I'm dying to try these things out and get back to toke if pleasurably