Been gone a long time - It's good coming back!

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
Hey all,
Been off the site for a couple years now - but always growing and learning. I'd check back now and then for a specific issue and whatnot but not much time to login and follow ongoing threads etc...
I also finally figured out which password I'd used :)
Anyway, I'm growing a small perpetual harvest - 6 plants in flower 10 days apart, for a total of 60 days. I've been growing a Grapefruit x Hashplant strain for several years but recently sprouted some Pineapple chunk; still vegging for another week or so.
I'm growing in a new cab than that of my signature, bigger and better but the concept is the same. I've made improvements and will post a journal next week sometime.


Well-Known Member

I just started as a RIU Greeter I hope to be stocking shelves soon!

LOL Just kidding no garden here atm because the shelves are full of medical supply..