Been Jacked


Well-Known Member
Had two plants still growing outdoors (at my house) that were 3 days from completion (per my grow journal). They were there last night - went out at noonish today to check them and they're gonzo.

Oh, well. At least I have my secured indoor grow. I don't think I'll ever grow outdoors again.


Well-Known Member
If somebody took them then you didn't do your job. One of two tings happened
1. They were not in a secure location, in which case you're lucky that the person who took them wasn't some anti-pothead and called the cops.
2. Vanity got the best of you and you just HAD to show/tell somebody.
Either way, you have nobody to blame but yourself. My recommendation is to keep your indoor operation under wraps.


Well-Known Member
likewise man, you can't tell anybody about your grow, not even your best friends, it will always come back and bite you in your ass, it sucks and everybody would love to show their friends the work they have done but it just isn't worth it


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would grow indoors and outdoors at the same time on my property, one leads to the other... people associate a weed heist with quick cash, folks are tight for cash lately, hope no one knows about the indoor babies, I know I can smell the herb and figure out where it may be coming from, depends on your situation but a little risky I guess...


Well-Known Member
#1 rule... dont tell/show anyone..... Loose lips. figure at least $1,000 a plant depending on strain. fucking thieves. Sorry about your luck man...good luck on the indoor grow buddy.


Well-Known Member
Had two plants still growing outdoors (at my house) that were 3 days from completion (per my grow journal). They were there last night - went out at noonish today to check them and they're gonzo.

Oh, well. At least I have my secured indoor grow. I don't think I'll ever grow outdoors again.
Don't let one bad experience ruin your outdoor grows. Figure out what went wrong and don't repeat it next time, I've been growing outside for 28 years and have been ripped off, crapped on by mother nature (rain, mold, insects) but all in all I've overcome, or you can stay inside and play with your Whatever you decide to do? do it right.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Some good advice and comments.

I have never told anyone of the grow, except my family. Problem is one of my son's told people and soon the whole world knew. My yard was invaded many times over the last year (that I knew of). I thought I had them pretty well hidden - I guess not. I do think they were being watched - it's too coincidental that they were ripped this close to harvest. At least with the indoor grow a major felony would have to take place for those babies to be ripped (breaking and entering).

Caution is still the key (as you all have pointed out).


Well-Known Member
i'm not a father and won't be for awhile, but i would definatly give my son a good beating, guess you can't trust family either


Well-Known Member
yeah, i got lucky and nobody fucked with mine.. and after showing the few people i showed, they all wanna get into growing aswell... I just couldnt keep something that beautiful to myself, and since I enjoyed it asmuch as I did, i knew that showing these two, wouldnt be a risk. So now I have some growing buddies..


Well-Known Member
haha likewise man, i've only shared with my best friend, he's going to school in london so i don't have to worry about him, and shared with one other friend who is a grower himself so we tend to work together on tricks and solutions, good relationship, and if it goes missing i know who to blame and he knows it


Active Member
man, you win some you lose some my hart goes out to you, I would be servilely distressed if that happened to me, sorry... people are always to ready to criticise, but you had a go


Well-Known Member
Damn shame, sorry you got ripped. But don't give up on the great outdoors. That is the worst part of growing outdoors. It's not the grasshoppers, the termites, the rabbits, the deer, the hurricanes, the moths, the dogs, the coyotes, the hogs, the hail, the drought, the floods, the heat, the frost, or the mosquitoes. It's the thieving bastards that are too damn lazy to grow their own. I'd bet it's probably someone you or your son know; see which ones start acting strange and get some retribution. FTFF's

Hope your indoor grow turns out for you.


Well-Known Member
Had two plants still growing outdoors (at my house) that were 3 days from completion (per my grow journal). They were there last night - went out at noonish today to check them and they're gonzo.

Oh, well. At least I have my secured indoor grow. I don't think I'll ever grow outdoors again.

if they know you have plants inside dont think that there gunna be safe just cause there in your house. people get jacked all the time. make sure your security is tight and get a scarey lookin dog. maybe a glock


Well-Known Member
yeah, i got lucky and nobody fucked with mine.. and after showing the few people i showed, they all wanna get into growing aswell... I just couldnt keep something that beautiful to myself, and since I enjoyed it asmuch as I did, i knew that showing these two, wouldnt be a risk. So now I have some growing buddies..
me too man! i just love the way nature grows and so Im very careful who I tell and i found out all my other friends have grown/considering to grow again this season. so its hella cool regardless only like two of them know. because they are the most knowledgable of the batch.


Active Member that had to happen to you, but chances are if they knew about your outdoor, then they're going to wonder about any indoors...