been working on this site, tell me what you think..


bud bootlegger
it looks like you have three levels to your happy pipe club.. $25, 50. or 75/ month.. but what are the differences between the levels, aside from the $$$$'s?????


Well-Known Member
yea what am i paying for $75/mo is $900/yr so for that your sending me a new pipe every month cause $900 for stickers is a rip off to be blunt...


Active Member
Full on bubblers. I'm having some issue with the flash, but the tiers get you certain amount of glass. Since you're not going through a headshop you're getting a lot more bang for your buck. $25 in glass are your typical pipes, but you might get two hitters, or two spoons, or a hitter and a matching spoon. Same with the $50. sherlocks and such. $75 is bubblers. I don't anticipate people hanging on to a 75$ membership, but since you can turn it on/off any time you can change around what value in glass you get each month..

I got pics here..

I've got a lot more I just haven't uploaded yet. There's a broken flash slideshow on the about.htm that won't play in the <div> for some reason. But if you go to it loads and plays fine. @_@


Well-Known Member
Damn dude you want some positve enforcement then give something more than give me your $ and youll get some stickers and a gift. And personally goofy site like that would not get my$ jmo


Active Member
Lmao stupid fucking advertising
figured someone would come at me like this. it's a broken page in beta, i'm not advertising shit, i'm looking for help building a website for people who like pipes. sorry if you hate that. ;-)


Active Member
Damn dude you want some positve enforcement then give something more than give me your $ and youll get some stickers and a gift. And personally goofy site like that would not get my$ jmo
That's the cover up!!

There's a lot of people who don't like going to headshops, who wouldn't want something like this showing up on their CC bill, or showing up in a package that screams GLASS PIPES!!

You buying a glass pipe is synonymous with you being sent a glass pipe as part of a club membership; they just have different connotations. There's lots of clubs/orgs that work like this, just not one with glass pipes. Usually you get a magazine subscription instead. :P

But yes, I want to include stickers in the boxes I send out. :P


Lol yeah let me post my business's website to advertise but my excuse will be "im not advertising, i'm talking about website building". Your describing why youre better than headshops... its advertising in hopes people will wait until it 's finished.


Well-Known Member
i think it's kinda of a cool thing. like a "book-of-the-month club".

i may want in, as an artist.

you all let me worry about the spam.

lets play nice now. thanks.

he is asking for input on site ideas. he is not asking for anyone to sign up.


The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
That shit is insane --> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam non quam nunc. Proin suscipit sodales tellus, at euismod nunc ultrices non. Nam a quam ac erat facilisis porta. Vivamus justo nunc, auctor ut eleifend sed, laoreet eget dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce eget nunc lectus. Etiam nec quam massa, sed ultrices quam. Nulla luctus pulvinar diam, quis interdum augue varius id. Aliquam id varius lorem. Vivamus consectetur dui gravida dui suscipit lobortis a id orci. Maecenas vitae dolor nulla. Cras non enim sit amet magna mattis sodales. Sed dictum, mauris at sollicitudin vestibulum, turpis est condimentum ipsum, vel tristique nisi sapien eu sapien.


Active Member
i think it's kinda of a cool thing. like a "book-of-the-month club".

i may want in, as an artist.

you all let me worry about the spam.

lets play nice now. thanks.

he is asking for input on site ideas. he is not asking for anyone to sign up.

hell ya! we were gonna call it 'pipe of the month' originally but thought it sounded too lame. :d

That shit is insane --> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
It's randomly generated filler text. All the cool webdevs are using it. :o

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
It's randomly generated filler text. All the cool webdevs are using it. :o
Yeah, for word count... I used that when I was writing the school newspaper, I'd make the pictures, captions, headings, do the layout, then do that filler text shit and figure a word count, and edit my articles accordingly.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
My business opinon would be..
Sure its a cool idea, but most smokers arnt wanting to pay that much for piece's, we're already spending our money on the weed itself (non growers)
You gotta realize that most everyone has their set pipe, bong, or bubbler. There not going to want to keep on getting new pieces once a month for a very long time, therefore minimizing your income.
Its a great new inovative idea, just wont work with the typical smoker. Your target market is the middle to high class smoker, and lets be honest, there arnt to many of them.


Active Member
To go against Mr. Retro above me, I would love to have new glass once a month. I go out to headshops about that often already "for something new". Sure, not everyone buys glass that often, but some do. Something worth checking out. Subscribed. Will check out your site tonight.