beer good

Red Hook ESB was the shit back then.
I’d bring cases to friends back east. They were crazy for it.
Back when you could bring a case onboard a plane and put it in the overhead.
Funny enough , I brought a case or so back to Phx then. My friends enjoyed it very much. That was before being " imported ". Back then you could bring many different " things " on the aeroplane :lol: .
The marketing is starting to remind me of overpriced nutrients and cannabis seeds with the crazy names and shiny labeling.

This one is pretty good though.

Funny enough , I brought a case or so back to Phx then. My friends enjoyed it very much. That was before being " imported ". Back then you could bring many different " things " on the aeroplane :lol: .
Shit, I remember smoking bowls in the plane bathroom blowing the smoke down the drain with that crazy suction they had. Nobody knew. Especially since the entire plane was also filled with cigarette smoke. I mean you could light a match on a commercial flight, that’ll never happen again.
Shit, I remember smoking bowls in the plane bathroom blowing the smoke down the drain with that crazy suction they had. Nobody knew. Especially since the entire plane was also filled with cigarette smoke. I mean you could light a match on a commercial flight, that’ll never happen again.

I remember when they had ashtrays in grocery stores. People would be smoking while shopping. Basically everywhere people were allowed to smoke. I'm sure glad those days are gone. I used to have to hang my leather jacket outside after going to the bar because it reeked of cigarette smoke. That was back in the days when you were like in the clouds because the bars were so smoky.

I never smoked a bowl on a plane though. Or became a member of the mile high club. At least not yet.
Rainbows, Unicorns, and Robots. Really silly names. The Rainbows and Unicorns is pretty good. I probably won't be buying the Robot Overlord again. It's good but there are others much better. At least for my taste's.

If anyone is wondering, there's a shop about a mile away I walk to with a walk in cooler packed with microbrews. Unfortunately I'm running out of options as I've tried almost every IPA they have. And yes I drink a lot of beer.


Found this beer when I was in France, hard to describe, almost like a dessert beer. Smooth but really flavorful, wish I could get some in the states.

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i found a couple brune/bruins in belgium that i loved too. i was working in Namur and the main grocery store had 2 full aisles of beer. i was in heaven. and a ton of them that were from belgium that i'd never heard of. tripples, quads, bruins, monastery brews, etc.
You can get Leffe Brune here in the states at a specialty beer shop.
I’ve seen it at Cost Plus occasionally.
Might be hard to get Pelforth.
But you can always try your hand at brewing one.
Stove top. 1 or 2 gallon batch. No need to go all in. Just a carboy. You probably have everything else in your kitchen.
Rainbows, Unicorns, and Robots. Really silly names. The Rainbows and Unicorns is pretty good. I probably won't be buying the Robot Overlord again. It's good but there are others much better. At least for my taste's.

If anyone is wondering, there's a shop about a mile away I walk to with a walk in cooler packed with microbrews. Unfortunately I'm running out of options as I've tried almost every IPA they have. And yes I drink a lot of beer.


Now there’s two I’ve never tried.
You can get Leffe Brune here in the states at a specialty beer shop.
I’ve seen it at Cost Plus occasionally.
Might be hard to get Pelforth.
But you can always try your hand at brewing one.
Stove top. 1 or 2 gallon batch. No need to go all in. Just a carboy. You probably have everything else in your kitchen.

I used to brew a lot. The last bunch of batches has been meads and ciders.
I used to brew a lot. The last bunch of batches has been meads and ciders.

I've made beer a few times but with the availability of so many quality offerings I choose to just buy it. I might grow some hops next summer and give it another go but it's a lot more work than just going to the store.
I've made beer a few times but with the availability of so many quality offerings I choose to just buy it. I might grow some hops next summer and give it another go but it's a lot more work than just going to the store.
Clean up is the shit part.