beer good

My old boss turned me on to miche's years ago . We always used corona's , I tried the negra's one time and that was it . It's more savory imo. He also switched from corona :lol: . If you try this mix , you may like it. $10 and the bottle makes @ 8-10.
i haven't seen that locally. actually, i don't think any of the nearby liquor stores have chelada mix.
It’s always Stout weather
Mmmmmm Imperial Big Bad Baptist, I love you!! It's that time of year again I should go searching.
Mmmmmm Imperial Big Bad Baptist, I love you!! It's that time of year again I should go searching.
Have you tried Founders KBS ? Similar to the Big Bad Baptist, but a little smoother finish IMO.
Have you tried Founders KBS ? Similar to the Big Bad Baptist, but a little smoother finish IMO.
Thanks, it must be good it's out of stock everywhere near me LOL. I found it at the Total Wine next to the Healthy Spot I have an appointment to take the dog to to get his teeth cleaned. So that's on the calendar for January.

Good stuff.
The local Bevmo does have this! Thanks I'll have to try it