• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Before you smoked weed?


Well-Known Member
my mom is a product of the 60s so she always told me the health benefits to marijuana, i was never told it was bad nor did i ever think so, ...now alcohol...well now thats a different story my mom told me how bad that was for me.
My mom was the exact same.. she hated booze since her dad was a drunk...
I read her HS year book..it was not 100% stated that she smoked dope but it was heavily implied . and even way back then the Gov was after you...

KILROY was here...



New Member
I never thought it was wrong. Same with people smoking cigs. When I was little, I didn't see anything wrong with it.

Later on I experimented with a few drugs and made my own personal list of good drugs and bad drugs. Weed is on the good list ;)
I learned that weed is the least dangerous drug ever, including medicines and vitamins.....


Active Member
14.jpgi started when i was about 19. before that the thought scared me. i was a teenager during the 60's! the hippie era! was great but i was too young to run off to woodstock,but it sure was interesting to see 60's i think it must of been 1971 when i first tried it. before i did-lol-i went to friends house with some other friends-the friend whose house it was was drying some weed in her oven-i have never smelled it before-never-gosh it was rank! i'm never gonna eat there!!!!! idiot. lol once i tried it-haven't stopped since except for about 8 years-trouble-n.a. yada-ya-da-ya-da stayed straight for awhile but i function better with!


Well-Known Member
I was a nerd in a small private high school in the late 70s. I hung out with a few other nerds, but they were not into Jethro Tull and Pink Floyd, so I also hung out with some stoners. I didn't smoke, though. I went to community college in the fall of 79, joined the school radio station, and got high sometime around the time I turned 18. That was also the legal drinking age back then as well. Even though I was over 18, I still lived at home and my dad would have killed me if he found out. It was easier when I went away to a different school for a few years.

After school - on and off depending on circumstances, connections, jobs, desire, etc. Daily user for past few years.


Well-Known Member
I started smoking at the age of 14. First time smoking, it was GDP. The best, sweetest, hardest hit I have EVER taken out of a bong.
My grandfather was a Dr. and my grandmother was a nurse. They would say it is better to make a tea or ingest it. Smoking anything is bad for your lungs.......But I love to smoke pot. Before smoking pot everything was boring. I smoke weed before everything. Especially before going in public. Weed makes everything better.


Active Member
started when i was around 12 and that was a long time ago lol like 47 years.the only thing that has got me into trouble is beer i love it. that was in 1996 dui


Well-Known Member
I assumed everyone smoked it. I remember being a kid and looking through my friends parents small decrotive boxes in their house just to see where they kept theirs. They didn't have any lol.


Well-Known Member
At 15 we hunted down fat chicks for their diet pills, circa 1965-6. They were usually 15 mg. of methadrine with a time released pheno barbitiol that kicked in later. Mfg'd by Abbott during the diet pill craze. We found that they made yo stay up all night tweaking and adverse to any kind of food. That same year we found a guy from a close by city that had a bag of weed for 20 bucks. It was a nice bag of gold and we all got high the first time and mixed it with all other kinds of drugs for the next few years. Later on in my late teens I realized that weed was the only drug that didn't fuck with your body or brain and virtually made every other drug better... well, except for barbs then you puked big time. Now it goes well with wine and bloodpressure meds lol.


Active Member
my mom is a product of the 60s so she always told me the health benefits to marijuana, i was never told it was bad nor did i ever think so, ...now alcohol...well now thats a different story my mom told me how bad that was for me.



Well-Known Member
Im not gonna lie, before i tried weed, i thought it was "bad" you know its funny how a public image can put on weed, everyone says it is bad and the smokers say its good, but you know the majority say its bad and will harm you etc........

Now i realize it is not bad for you at all, better then tobacco, and imo better then alchohol, even if you are smoking, you will get used to it if you start young like me. I mean before i started, i knew one of my buddies done it and i was like holy shit man dont do that its bad. Now i realize how fucking stupid i sounded i could have slaped myself. Now i was at a party and my other buddy came up to me and said cmon matt come smoke some weed, i said no at first, then he said " C'mon by matt" i said FUCK IT. I swear to god i thank him so much. After that night i realized how all this anti weed shit is all fucking bullshit. Now i felt like a king and knew weed wasnt bad at all. Now i am smokin out eveery couple days or so, and lovin it. Everyone sayin dont smoke weed like little fucking chinky ass bitches. THEY NEVER TRIED IT HOW DO THEY KNOW, thats what i was like at first too. but when i tried it i fell in love, well all i have to say to them is fuck off and let me smoke weed im not causing no harm to you, what the hell, why do it matter what i do, while your off having a tea party with your friends i am off smoking weed and having a good time. Smoke weed. the tASTE IS GREAT TOO
Everyone knows that marijuana is harmless. It's illegal not to keep you from getting high and causing harm, but to prevent the growing of hemp, which grows way faster than trees and we'd never run out. The abundance and effectiveness of hemp would obliterate the world's most profitable companies. It can be used for SOOOOO many things and the world would make a complete 180 if it were legalized. And it could happen in a generation.


Well-Known Member
hats why itll never be legal.
One of the things I want to live to see is a world where hemp is legalized again. It would be fascinating to witness such a beneficial turn of events for humanity. That's never going to happen though if people have your mindset. There's no doubt in my mind that if everyone was educated on marijuana and hemp and knew how it would revolutionize the world, it could easily be done. A couple hundred people in this world control most of the money, meaning they have most of the power. If everyone stood together, these people would not only be out of power, but they'd be dead by midnight.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"

Which is most of America and the world. That doesn't mean they're stupid, it just means they're uneducated. Also, a lot of them have been dumbed down by the media, prescription drugs, and all the chemicals in everyday foods, so for some, it's not even their fault that they're brainwashed. They were just a victim of uneducation, which is partly why I always try to spread the word on what's going on.

The problem is that most people have been programmed to believe that people with similar beliefs such as myself are insane or crazy conspiracy theorists. Most people hear the word "conspiracy" and immediately associate that information with fiction, without doing the research themselves.


Well-Known Member
i was so pissed when i found out that weed isn't bad for you..something about being lied to your whole life.. when you find out the truth you want to shout that shit at the tops of buildings. i smoked weed for the first time when i was 18.. i havent taken a day off since. it is now one of the most important things/activities/hobbies in my life haha.

without nugs, i would be a sheep like the rest of society


Well-Known Member
i was so pissed when i found out that weed isn't bad for you..something about being lied to your whole life.. when you find out the truth you want to shout that shit at the tops of buildings. i smoked weed for the first time when i was 18.. i havent taken a day off since. it is now one of the most important things/activities/hobbies in my life haha.

without nugs, i would be a sheep like the rest of society
I bet pyschadelics are illegal for the sole reason of them expanding your consciousness and making you more open-minded. Never done any but from all the people I talk to, it can be a very enlightening life changing experience (shrooms, that is). I want to try ayahausca. You use a lot more of your brain when you trip than in everyday life and I honestly think there may be a good chance that it allows you to see more of reality and become more in tune with the world and nature.

Maybe when you trip, you're not "fucked up", but instead you're just seeing and experiencing things that others cannot because they aren't using that part of their brain, or at least not to a certain extent.


Well-Known Member
I never smoked weed until I was 26. Almost all my friends in HS did it, but I didnt want to be a "loser" lol. But then later in life when I locked down a "good" job, house, car, etc, I started to realize...this is it pretty much it until retirement. So I tried weed, made me quit my old job, started a new business that I enjoy and I keep all my worldly stuff(funny how none of this will be mine in like 40-50 years)


Active Member
I never smoked weed until I was 26. Almost all my friends in HS did it, but I didnt want to be a "loser" lol. But then later in life when I locked down a "good" job, house, car, etc, I started to realize...this is it pretty much it until retirement. So I tried weed, made me quit my old job, started a new business that I enjoy and I keep all my worldly stuff(funny how none of this will be mine in like 40-50 years)
great to hear man


Well-Known Member
I never smoked weed until I was 26. Almost all my friends in HS did it, but I didnt want to be a "loser" lol. But then later in life when I locked down a "good" job, house, car, etc, I started to realize...this is it pretty much it until retirement. So I tried weed, made me quit my old job, started a new business that I enjoy and I keep all my worldly stuff(funny how none of this will be mine in like 40-50 years)
Did weed make you realize all the negatives of your job until you just said fuck it?