Began Flowering of 1st... slightly random grow


Active Member
Hey guys, this is just my 2nd post here on the forums. I began my first grow just a little over a month ago from 2 plants my friend had left over from one of his grows. The smaller (stretched/tiny) plant is very, very skunky and just over the weekend (i finally got a timer and switched the lights to 18/6) it sprouted 4-5 sets of beautiful female preflowers. I know it looks pathetic but if you check out my album you'll see that the little lady has been through ALOT. For about 3 weeks i thought she was just gonna keel over and die. Doing much better now. The monster on the left is an unknown variety also, that's disturbingly lacking any of the usual cannabis odor. It has been vigorously growing since i planted to two; in fact it originally started under just one Home Depot Plant light (laaaame), sitting in a red solo cup.

Anyways i know my set-up could use a serious makeover but im terribly broke and have been doing as much as i can, upgrading whenever i learn new stuff/get payed- AND moving in 5 weeks. Which brings me to my ?'s for all of you veteran farmers:

1) What are the best CFL's to use for the flowering stage- m current 2x tube (full spectrum 18w each) and 2 CFL's (bright light- mostly red but decent peaks on the 400-500 "blue" span) have been working great. I just installed the CFL's 4-5 days ago and am getting great responses. I know that I'll need more intense light for budding and am open to any and all advice.

2) What fertilizer's do you recommend for flowering?

3) How deterimental will moving the plants in the 5th week of flowering be- I understand there can be no change in the light cycle and am fairly certain i can get them moved into the new grow enviroment with little trauma. I'm just hoping carrying them to the car (and now that i think about it... getting the big one to fit) and then into the new house wont do too much damage.

4) I am planning on transplanting the big one tomorrow (im going to cut the current plastic one out from around it... dont worry im not gonna shock the roots), im just not sure how large of a container i will need. thoughts anyone?



Active Member
its funny people say that.. cause i harvested 4 ozs from my first grow with 20 26watt cfls off 2 plants.. and then got half a p off second grow with em.. and had 5 plants.. now i got 2 plants under a 400 watt mh/hps. and they look a little better but not much .. i think it all matters how u take care of it .. the soil the watering schedule.. ive seen amazing bud grown with cfls.. butttt the buds will never be as dense or as big as the mh or hps or even the new LEDS


Well-Known Member
that's a skinny one...

buy some CFLs....

if you have a walmart nearby you can get some extra lighting for a few bucks.... get 3 clamp lights, and a 3 pack of 26w CFLs. shouldn't be more than 20 bucks, maybe 22 bucks.... it'll be an improvement and won't break your bank.....