Begginings of Nute burn or Overwatering?


Hi, im growing Afwreck indoors, 400w MH veggin for 20 hours on, 4 off, in Hydroton,

watering 4 times a day pump on for 3 min (drains out in less than a minute).

Recently increased nute solution to 2/3 recommended mature vegetative (20ml/gal Pure Blend Pro grow 3-2-4)

I bought established clones (about 2 weeks old), have vegged for 2 weeks more (4 weeks total), some showing tips of roots coming out of bottoms of pots.

One of the plants shows no problems, some only show issues at the top (I raised the light a little but no change), and some only at the bottom leaves...

It is a little warm (27*C), and i bought a new fan but it hasnt arrived yet...

Heres some pics
only plant showing problems at the top and bottom:

Second plant, showing discoloration inside leaves:

thanks for any help!


Fan arrived today, but temps are down to 26*C, did get some algae growth though, could that be causing this?


I changed out the resavoir and am going to flush for a few days and see what happens, does that sound like a good route to try to fix this? How often should I water?


Well-Known Member
Call me stupid but it looks more like a lack of mag. with a little burn. So to much on the npk not enough mag.


guess ill go get some, we have relatively hard water so i figured it wouldnt be necessary, guess well find out, thanks