Beginner 400w HPS White Rhino and Snow White grow in coco coir

Ok, here goes. I am completely green at this but hopefully at the end I will have some green.

I am open to comments and suggestions, so please feel free to chime in. Several folks here have already been very generous with their time in answering questions and helping me out. Thank you.

This is what I know for sure:
I have white rhino and snow white fems on their way from Nirvana.
I have a 400w HPS with digital ballast and a wing reflector on its way.
I have a 160 cfm ecoplus 4 inch inline fan on the way.
I have a 3x3x5 plywood grow box painted flat white.
I have a digital thermometer with 24 hour high low.

My plan:
Dry run grow room for a 3-4 days to check temperature.
Grow 2 white rhino and 2 snow white in coco coir in 3 gallon pots with 20/4 in veg for 4-6 weeks and 12/12 for 9-12 weeks.
Not sure if I will SCROG, LST, top or let them grow. Leaning towards just topping, but it is a ways off.
Either make my own carbon filter or purchase one-not sure on this yet as the price for an ebay filter is close to the parts to make one myself.
Water plants daily with nutrients with 10-20% waste following suggestions from people here.

1 question to start:
I am thinking about raising my grow closet up on 2x wedged at the back so it tilts slightly forward. Then putting slats on the bottom of the grow cabinet so that when I over water the water runs down between the slats and I catch it with something as it runs out the cabinet. My basement where the plants will be growing will be quite cool and I would rather not move the plants in and out. I could even cut the slats inside the cabinet at an angle so the pots set level. What do you think of this idea?

Even though I will not receive my seeds, lights and fans for a week I am going to predict my cut down date as Ground Hogs day 2011. Wonder how close I will come.

In the next few days i will try to post pictures of my grow box.


Well-Known Member
I just got that same hps system today, fucking fedex put a dent in the reflector. it was okay, i just bent it back.
Excellent! I am going to assemble the grow box this evening. and work on the camouflage to hide it. I ended up with a slightly larger box, but i wanted the height in it with the HPS light.

Pureblood, let me know if post on a grow so I can follow along.