Beginner Needs Serious Help!

I am an amature pot grower and am in need of some serious help!!! I have two plants growing in my closet and they look sick and I am scared they are going to die. My plants are about two feet tall and started out really healthy. I have them on a 12 light, 12 night schedule with a 100w bulb. I recently got a fan in there for some air circulation and have some miracle grow for plant food. My leaves are turning brown on the edges, some curling down, some curling up, and some are just shriveling up. At first it was all of the big leaves, and now some of the smaller new leaves are doing this as well. I thought I was originally buring the leaves as the plant was growing closer to the light but I moved it up as far as it can go in my closet. I have been reading about different ph and nurtient problems and it all confuses me. I have Rosie as I call her on this lighting schedule for about four weeks and now I am not sure what to do. I think I may have overwatered her and overdosed her on way too much plant food. I am in desperate need of help as I want to save my little Rosie!!!! I am open to any and all suggestions. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
ok...before you go any further...detail out exactly what your grow is...and take pictures for us to see...we want to know the following:

1) The size of your pots.
2) What your are growing in for soil
3) How old they are from seed, and current 12/12 time(approximate is fine)
4) What kind of 100watt light...and don't say just CFL if it is...give us the real wattage(100 equivalent is not a 100watt CFL)
5) Nutrient/watering schedule and amounts
6) PH of water/soil
7) temperature/humidity

and :)
Ok, I took a bunch of pics and I will attempt to upload them. Sorry if the quality isnt the greatest as my camera is a pos. The pot isnt very big, Id say a small standard size for an indoor house plant (Ill add a pic of it). It has no hole on the bottom so I added a layer of rocks at the bottom before adding in the soil.

The soil is just typical potting soil. I am afraid I cant go into anymore details as I got my baker to fill it up for me and I really dont know what kind it is. My baker did mention that it was high quality potting soil if that makes any difference.

Hold old is Rosie from seeds, Oh god that is a good question!!! I would say approximately 12-14 weeks. My god this is embarassing! I have Rosie all situated up in my kitchen closet that is covered from wall to wall in aluminum foil. (pics follows)

The lights turn on at 9am and shut off at 9pm, I got it regulated on a timer. The light is a Noma Halogen, a floodlight bulb with a long neck, 35 degree beam spread with a light output of 880 lumens and I was mistaken its a 75 watt at 130 volts ( thats all it says on the box).

I was watering her once a day, right when I get off work at about 1pm. I was never measuring how much I was exaclty giving her, I was just giving her a generous splash. I am currently using Miracle Grow All Purpose Water Soluble Plant food. I have a 2L pitcher that I filled up with water and added a heaping tablespoon into it. ( I think I may have overdid it there).

I will honestly say that I have no idea what the ph of the water or the soil is. I dont even know how to check for that. Like I said I am very new to this and well am learning as I go.

As for the temperature and humidity once again I have no idea!! This is all making me sound bad, but I just want to be honest so that you know exactly what I screwing up. When I started all of this I had no intention of actually growing weed, I just wanted a cool pot plant to sit in my window. But then it started growing those white hairs or flowing as they all call it and I got really excited and thought hey how hard could this be! I am now finding out how tricky this whole process is!!

I apperciate all your help, I just want to save Rosie, Id be soo sad if she died.


Well-Known Member
Did you manage to take some pics? Could be alot of things overwatering maybe or too much nutrients. Did you say you've no holes in your pot? That could be the problem too its hard to say with no pics. Are you using tap water.


Well-Known Member
allright now here we go...brace yourself...your doing it all wrong...

light: yeah you wont get any real buds from that...completely wrong spectrum light spectrum, way too high, not enough intensity, etc...
Soil: it has very bad drainage, marijuana wants airy soil(lots of perlite), yours is dense and wet all the time, you need it to dry out in between waterings

Just those two things alone is a killer here...regardless of PH/nutes/etc...those two problems are not going to allow you to grow good weed...

so...check out this thread:

Read it, live it, love it...its got all the basics in it to get you going...I'm sick as a dog at the moment and my brain isn't functioning very heading back to bed..good luck!


Well-Known Member
allright now here we go...brace yourself...your doing it all wrong...

light: yeah you wont get any real buds from that...completely wrong spectrum light spectrum, way too high, not enough intensity, etc...
Soil: it has very bad drainage, marijuana wants airy soil(lots of perlite), yours is dense and wet all the time, you need it to dry out in between waterings

Just those two things alone is a killer here...regardless of PH/nutes/etc...those two problems are not going to allow you to grow good weed...

so...check out this thread:

Read it, live it, love it...its got all the basics in it to get you going...I'm sick as a dog at the moment and my brain isn't functioning very heading back to bed..good luck!
You summed it up, hope you feel better soon.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry hon but if I was you I would lst (low stress training) the shit outta that plant and give it some stronger light. Minimum 125W HPS. Or a strong LED cause you're growing in a closet. That lamp isn't enough to produce anything smokable. See how leggy it is? It really wants more light. You have to keep most of the canopy fairly close to the light source and in the pic you see only the top is getting any light. Hope that helps a little.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry hon but if I was you I would lst (low stress training) the shit outta that plant and give it some stronger light. Minimum 125W HPS. Or a strong LED cause you're growing in a closet. That lamp isn't enough to produce anything smokable. See how leggy it is? It really wants more light. You have to keep most of the canopy fairly close to the light source and in the pic you see only the top is getting any light. Hope that helps a little.
I hear you, but still recommend scrapping the grow. Even if corrected it will produce very little, the buds will be full of air.
thanks for the help all! I really dont know what I am going to do with poor rosie. Ive already dumped a pile of money into the shitty operation that I have going now and dont know where I should go next. I was really just growing her for fun, then thought I could try for some buds. Maybe I was just being foolish. Im still on the fench if I should scrap her or not. All that work just seems wasted now. I wasnt ever planning on having a large scale operation, just enough buds for some joints thats all. I dont even have anymore seeds dammit! I dont like failing, shit guys I really dont know what to do!!!???


Well-Known Member
the plant is already 3 months can try and beef her up a bit by switching the light out to a bank of CFL's(hang like 4 23watt+ cfls over her) about 1-2" away from the top...repot into a larger pot...get a 5 gallon bucket and put it in that with light airy soil(mix potting soil + perlite) can get all of this from home depot/lowes...they even have really high wattage CFL's at lowes...i saw some big 125watt CFL's there the other day.

you MIGHT get something off it if you do this asap, but its a crapshoot at this point...I'd find a dealer, buy a bag with some seeds in it...start over...and this time right from the start ask questions here and we can help you out :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help all! I really dont know what I am going to do with poor rosie. Ive already dumped a pile of money into the shitty operation that I have going now and dont know where I should go next. I was really just growing her for fun, then thought I could try for some buds. Maybe I was just being foolish. Im still on the fench if I should scrap her or not. All that work just seems wasted now. I wasnt ever planning on having a large scale operation, just enough buds for some joints thats all. I dont even have anymore seeds dammit! I dont like failing, shit guys I really dont know what to do!!!???
Oops, didn't know all this when I posted yesterday. There is no shame in screwing up a first time grow...almost everyone has. You have to beef up the wattage, as in now. Lowes/Home Depot/Menards now carry some serious firepower when it comes to CFL spirals...and their prices beat anything I have found on the web. Sorry if I sounded rude yesterday.


Well-Known Member
yeah definately no shame in screwing up the first time around...ive screwed up 2 grows so far...only now on my 3rd things are actually going well :D

But the longer you stick around and ask questions the better you'll get at it...there is a wealth of knowledge on these forums...use them to your advantage! :D


Well-Known Member
yeah definately no shame in screwing up the first time around...ive screwed up 2 grows so far...only now on my 3rd things are actually going well :D

But the longer you stick around and ask questions the better you'll get at it...there is a wealth of knowledge on these forums...use them to your advantage! :D
Yep, I just scanned your first grow thread from 09', then your recent one. Nice little set-up you have BTW.
You guys are the best really! I am going to transplant her tomorrow, a buddy is comming over with a bigger pot and more soil so we will see how this goes. This pot will actaully have some drainage holes in the bottom. I am going to try and save her, whats the harm right. If it doesnt work out then I am going to try it again. Your right these forums have helped me out big time and I have learend soo much. I got another 75 watt light in there now, I will have to wait till pay day to go and get the ones that you guys were talking about. Im always scared that this little closet operation that I have going on is going to light up in flames one day. You cant really tell much from my crappy pictures but Im sure if you guys were here and saw my hillbilly setup you would shake your heads and laugh at me. If I only get a couple buds out of her I will be the happest woman ever!! Second attempt will be much better I promise!!! :lol:


New Member
hate to say it even had to look at plant several times
u should really start over
to many things wrong
but we can get u set up for another go at it
i tried to pm u advice but u got pm turned off


New Member
You guys are the best really! I am going to transplant her tomorrow, a buddy is comming over with a bigger pot and more soil so we will see how this goes. This pot will actaully have some drainage holes in the bottom. I am going to try and save her, whats the harm right. If it doesnt work out then I am going to try it again. Your right these forums have helped me out big time and I have learend soo much. I got another 75 watt light in there now, I will have to wait till pay day to go and get the ones that you guys were talking about. Im always scared that this little closet operation that I have going on is going to light up in flames one day. You cant really tell much from my crappy pictures but Im sure if you guys were here and saw my hillbilly setup you would shake your heads and laugh at me. If I only get a couple buds out of her I will be the happest woman ever!! Second attempt will be much better I promise!!! :lol:
well ditch that bulb get some cfls at least if not a hid
I tossed out rosie today! She was covered in freeking spider mites, I dont want to have to deal with that bullshit. I am going to get myself some new seeds and start from the beginnning. This time Ill be sure to blog about it and try and not fuck it up. I sure learned a lot this first go around. I totally feel liked I failed but I know that second go around Ill have me some fine buds. Thanks for the help guys, you totally saved me in a time of need! :leaf: :)


New Member
I tossed out rosie today! She was covered in freeking spider mites, I dont want to have to deal with that bullshit. I am going to get myself some new seeds and start from the beginnning. This time Ill be sure to blog about it and try and not fuck it up. I sure learned a lot this first go around. I totally feel liked I failed but I know that second go around Ill have me some fine buds. Thanks for the help guys, you totally saved me in a time of need! :leaf: :)
you only failed if u give up glad to hear your not giving up and next time will be better