beginners luck, i thought...


Active Member
Well it is week 2 of flower under a 250 Watt cfl. I started with 10 bag seeds, 8 of which germed so I took the 6 best looking and potted them. Those 6 took off in veg. Totally filling up my box. Being a noob I thought I read the grow slows when you go to flower(I was wrong!). So I started flowering planning on pulling half do to males which would give me the extra room I needed. Well 2 weeks in and they are all female! Which is amazing but now I have no room in my box. I can't even bend them or anything its so tight in there. Should I actually pull a couple out to give up space for the others too bud? Or just let it go and probably just get some top colas.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...i would definitely pull 1 or much as it would need the room.


Active Member
I would agree. 4 healthy plants should do better than 6 fighting for light.
I think I would have to go down to 3 to make room. There in 7 inch pots and fit perfectly in 2 rows of 3 ( ::: ) all the containers are touching eachother or the sides of the box. I could stagger one row of 3 ( .'. )
But would I really yeild more with 3 fully lit?
Man I never thought they would get so big under cfl, ill post a pic of my grow tonight, they are in dark right now.