Beginner's Questions


Active Member
Hi there.

I am a beginner in pot growing. I planted some seeds in organic soil just for interest sake to see how they grow etc. But a week later they started growing and I just fell in love with them! Now i want to learn everything I possibly can to make my plant the best MaryJane i can.

My questions:

1) When should they start flowering?
2) Which is the best between the male and the female?
3) Is it true that if you "feed" your plant hormones, that it will grow stronger?

My plants are about 1 inch tall already and would like to look after them as best as i can to make sure they are good plants.

Please, any other advise / help will really be appreciated.

Peace Out bongsmilie


New Member
you were probably hoping for a response that at least attempted to answer your questions. rightfully so....just understand that now that you have fallen in love with mary you'll be on here a lot and as you learn, you will find yourself helping others with things you've already conquered. you'll be all to happy to re-pay the favor of helping folks cause rollitup helped you so much.

then the new car smell wears off, you find yourself getting know your being patient but hell " this guy" isnt even trying you think to yourself. and finally it shows, your fed up with " lazy newbs" that wont read the growfaq. or so we think.

just sayin', go easy on the other guy, i promise you'll understand where he's coming from all too soon!

:mrgreen: anyway your quetions.

welcome to growing, i hope it brings you joy.

Hi there.

I am a beginner in pot growing. I planted some seeds in organic soil just for interest sake to see how they grow etc. But a week later they started growing and I just fell in love with them! Now i want to learn everything I possibly can to make my plant the best MaryJane i can.

My questions:

1) When should they start flowering?
2) Which is the best between the male and the female?
3) Is it true that if you "feed" your plant hormones, that it will grow stronger?

My plants are about 1 inch tall already and would like to look after them as best as i can to make sure they are good plants.

Please, any other advise / help will really be appreciated.

Peace Out bongsmilie
it takes cannabis about 4 months to go from seed to weed. you germinate the seed then veg it under 24 hour light for about 6 weeks. then it's ready to go into flower. then you put it under 12/12 lighting and the plant will show signs of sex in a couple of weeks. you'll need to read the growfaq for a week straight before you hit the boards askin stuff that many will expect you to know. im not bitchin, just tryin to help you out. anyway, once you determine sex, kill the males or they will pollenate your females and your bud will seed. no boys, no seeds:blsmoke:

your 3rd question about hormones is a bit open ended/vague. read up on it around here. you can definately give the plants some things to increase the yield / flavor / resin production / lots to debate about with all of these though.

hope i helped and good luck with your grow.:peace:

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Your right man - a simple "What to do" rather than a "you CAN do (a), or you COULD do (b), I PERSONALLY do (c), but my mates had good luck with (d)" so yeah, a simple "This is average and easy to understand" answer is cool - + rep! :blsmoke:


Active Member
lol... thanx alot Bugs. you really did help me. Although you confused me at "kill the makes" and then at "no boys no seeds"... lol.... Should i kill them or keep them? hehe... once again i feel pretty dumb. haha.

thanx to everybody for the replies!!!


Well-Known Member
You can find lots of info by using your search engine. 1stmarijuanagrowerspage is a good site. Lots of info and grow guides. The one thing you will notice on this site is lots of diffrent opinions. U ever heard the term "there is more than on way to skin a cat" ? U will see diffrent ways to germinate, topping or not topping, plant training, how long the plant should veg, what mediums to use, what kind of lights work best for situations, how long to flower, how to flush, how to chop, how to dry, how to cure, there are many aspects to this thing.

I have purchased videos and books. I have read thousands of posts. And do not be afraid to ask questions. You may not like some of the answers but keep asking.


Active Member
Cool :-)

Thank you so much for your advice. It's difficult for me to read all the different opinions because I never know which is the best for the plant. But I guess experimenting and experience is the only way to find out. :-)

Thanks again..


Active Member
Kill the dudes or your bud will be full of seeds and worthless. Its easy to tell, the girls get nice pretty flowers (buds) and the dudes get nasty ballsack looking things.


Well-Known Member
hey SMJ. good to have you on board. the grow faq at the left top will really help. you wouldn;t need to buy a book. as long as you are respectful and take the time to search the gang on this site are so very helpful. i have visited other forums and this is one of the best. good luck with your grow, i have 4 clones, 3 with about 2 weeks left, 1 i started about 4 weeks ago and last night i planted 2 mangos i had germed. goos luck again and happy toking.


Active Member
Rad :-)

Thank you so much for all your advice.

I guess i found my first mistake, planting more than 1 seed in a pot!!!!

Peace Out \m/


Well-Known Member
its a little disappointing that whenever someone asks a question some assholes gotta answer with some bullshit attittude. i just started not to long ago by chance myself threw some seeds in the ground outdoors and they grew. i learned everything from this site and youtube. yoiu can find cervates videos on how to grow and all sorts of amater vids aswell. i usually start flowering when my clones getto about a footand a half, but once i pput one in a six inch containger straight from clone machine into bud and it worked, just doesnt get as big. dont veg too long or your plants will be huge thats for sure anyway i dont even know whaat im talkin about basically just use half nutes for first two weeks then goto full strenght veg for about a month and flower for 2-3 months depends on what u have i usually flower for 80 days good luck


Well-Known Member
just wanted to add that im always learning more thanks to this site and most of the people on here have great information and can help lead u in the right direction thanks to all for even listening to my jibberish