beginning bubbleponic problems


Well-Known Member
first off im a first time starter and started this set up a week ago on 10.3.. all but la woman was a seedling popped out of the rockwool barely and la came up on 10.4.

i have 4 diff strains going: lemon skunk. pineapple express. white widow. and la woman.. right now i have a 150w sun system about a foot above the ladies. its a rubbermaid container a 4 site lid. i have an air pump running with a t adapter running one 12" air stone and a 4" disc air stone. a pump pushing the nutes up to the ladies 24/7. i really duno bout the nutes just do what im thinking is right. the ph is staying up around 7.0 and i keep putting ph down to lower it around 5.5 - 6.2. i have a 6" fan blowing on them at all times right now. i had the light on 24/7 but i just switched cycle to 18.16 today to test that out.

lemon skunk is the only one the isnt looking to its fullest. the color is okay not bright green but either are the others bright green. the leaves on lemon are shrivling up but no yellow burned edges or anything. i dont know what it is wrong. if you could help that would help me!! here are a couple pix of the project so far: cell phone pix so i know their not great will have digi in couple of days.

1. just a pic of the set up so far.
2. lemon skunk so maybe you can tell me whats going on with it!!
3. res
4. just showing the light above it(waiting on seeds for the kit next to it. but want to get this down before start any other grow water based.)

**legal note: i take no responsibility for these pictures as they are all over the web.



Well-Known Member
aight.. did that now ill just have to go through the wait process and catch up with everything tom. and post new pix and go from there..


Well-Known Member
checked everything this morning. their not bright green and no signs of improvement. ph was about 5.2 i will be going back around 11 to check and if it hasnt gone up i will fix that with some water. the lemons leaves are still messed up and pineapple is starting to curl upward around the edges now. dont know what is going on. maybe light is to close?? getting too much water?? i dont know whats wrong. try diff nutes?

**legal note: i do not participate in anything dealing with marijuana. anything in this forum is found all over the web and i will not be held responsible.


Elite Rolling Society
Leaves curled down with yellow tips are over fed.

Leaves curled UP are too hot OR hungry and under fed.


Well-Known Member
thanks. wont be too long before i get home. the leaves are folding down with a little yellow throughout the leaves not around edges or anthing though and the edges are curling upward?? lol. i duno i thought it was easier than this for sure!


I had the same problem. Your watering too often. Really, only NFT systems should be run 24/7. The Air pump should be run 24/7 on all systems. Try running the Nutes for just 30 minutes, every 3 hours or so. It gives the roots time to breathe. Split it up during your daylight hours. About 6 times a day for the first 30 days. Gradually reduce from there. Reduce that to 3 or 4 times a day when they get bigger, and the roots can sustain better. Good Luck,


Elite Rolling Society
IF this is a true Bubbleponics system, purchased from Bubbleponics, then the water runs 24/7 .


Well-Known Member
its just a reg kit but i dont have control of how much water is flowing up to them i have the pump 1/4 power i can lower it to lowest power where barely any water is coming out. now i have it at just a steady light flow. should it be less than that??


Elite Rolling Society
That was the first post ever from the dude saying you was watering them too much, and he did not know or ask about your much of salt............


Well-Known Member
right now i dont exactly know for i have added more water over the couple of days.. id say close to atleast 6gal.. tonight im going to dump it all out at start fresh and know everything that is going on. i dont exactly get the nute system yet.. how much to add when and how much.. i have just been adding 1/4 of grow and hard water softener per gallon. using flora nova nutes also.


Active Member
Hey Crack,

Listen to Roseman, he know's this system.

One thing, I know someone said to take the foil off the top, but you can see in your picture of the roots that light is getting through the top of your reservoir. I would recommend putting SOMETHING over the top, including the netpots, to block the light from getting in. This will help prevent potential problems like algae growth from occuring.

I personnally don't think foil will hurt with a 150W light, but it isn't necessary to use it either. Be innovative, just make sure you block the light as much as possible...


Well-Known Member
thanks for that. im going to start doing that method today. when i went home i added about a gallon of water and added 1/4 nute to that. i will be getting home around 5 to see if any improvements. please keep adding on so i can know what to do if you think of anything else maybe that is going on i need to change.


Well-Known Member
yeah i am going to fix the light getting in also. been meaning to just keep getting sidetracked with other things that might be wrong. thanks. for all input it is much needed.


Well-Known Member
here are a couple more pix just taken.. if anyone could help and let me know what else i should try it would be appreciated.

ph is 6.0. fan is blowing on them at all times. light is still about 12" away. leaves are kinda bending up and down leaves curling down and edges curling up. what does this mean??


1. la woman - her leaves are starting to do the up down effect. not a very bright green color.

2. lemon skunk - the worst of all leaves bending down edges curling up. not a very bright green color

3. white widow - same as la woman

4. pineapple express - the best of all leaves edges curling upward. not very green color.

**if anyone could help and suggest new things to try please let me know.



Well-Known Member
yeah i could be.. but the phone cam doesnt show a good clear image of everything. they look pretty healthy but the leaves on lemon skunk curling up on the edges and leaves folding downward..

i decided not to flush tank until day 14 only at day 9. then start all over and mark res and watch intake on plants. i can play it by eye for another 5 days.

if any more suggestions can be said it would always help.

i will make this my grow journal so i can get the best help throughout the first grow. if any followers are willing to follow along please help me through the process. thanks. looking forward to the journey!