beginning bubbleponic problems


Elite Rolling Society
Depends on if you have plenty of height to grow them.

Sativa or Indica? Auto or not?


The longer the VEG cycle, the more the yield.
Consider this, in nature, outdoors, we plant a seed in mid to late April. It grows through April, May, June, July, and in mid to late July, as the sun's rays change, the plant naturally changes from VEG to FLOWER, with the diminishing sun's rays. That is nature's way. The plant grows and matures to an adult plant for about 3 to 4 months. THEN, it makes flowers. That is nature's way.
Indoors, in HYDRO with feeder tubes, we cut that time in half, by using 24/7 LIGHT. instead of 3 months, or 13 weeks, it takes about 6 weeks to become a mature plant in HYDRO, with 24/7 LIGHT.

OK, also in nature, we see most animals and humans reproduce at maturity or adulthood. If a human, (or dog or any animal) is forced to make babies before maturity, like getting a 12 yr old girl pregnant, then the babies are weak, or runts, or deformed, and just not at their best.
A dude here, a most experienced, knowledgable grower named fdd2blk (and a MOD here too) taught me a long time ago, that it does not make sense, it is not wise, it is not logical, to make a child have a child, and it is not wise or smart or logical to make an immature baby plant, have babies. LET THE BABIES GROW AND LET THE ADULTS MAKE BABIES.

If you will VEG for 5 weeks, to 6 weeks, you will have more time for proper TOPPING, PRUNING, AND FIMMING, and you'll get bigger plants, and you will also have a mature adult plant, ready to make healthy, stronger babies (flowers) .

If you begin Indica Flowering, after VEGGING 3 or 4 weeks, you will harvest about 60% to 75% of what you would have harvested, IF you had waited and VEGGED for 5 or 6 full weeks.

This info applies to rapid growing in Hydro, and to Indica strains. NOT slowly in SOIL, and NOT Sativa.

I average 3 to 4 ounces per plant, VEGGING 5 to 6 weeks, and I have gotten 7 ounces from one plant, the one you see at my signature. I got that with planned, proper Topping and Pruning and Fimming, and creating more tops or cola sites.



Well-Known Member
I had the same problem. Your watering too often. Really, only NFT systems should be run 24/7. The Air pump should be run 24/7 on all systems. Try running the Nutes for just 30 minutes, every 3 hours or so. It gives the roots time to breathe. Split it up during your daylight hours. About 6 times a day for the first 30 days. Gradually reduce from there. Reduce that to 3 or 4 times a day when they get bigger, and the roots can sustain better. Good Luck,
This is bubbleponics. Nothing you posted applies here.


Well-Known Member
i will stick to that schedule.. about how many days should it be before i switch light to 12/12??
Just do as Roseman posts and also read the threads. You didnt read this part of his post:
If you will VEG for 5 weeks, to 6 weeks, you will have more time for proper TOPPING, PRUNING, AND FIMMING, and you'll get bigger plants, and you will also have a mature adult plant, ready to make healthy, stronger babies (flowers


its just a reg kit but i dont have control of how much water is flowing up to them i have the pump 1/4 power i can lower it to lowest power where barely any water is coming out. now i have it at just a steady light flow. should it be less than that??
Maybe the PH is off just enough, and they can't absorb the Nutrients correctly, and/or like Roseman says, it's under, or over fed. Try one thing at a time to better determine the cause. Good Luck!!


That was the first post ever from the dude saying you was watering them too much, and he did not know or ask about your much of salt............
:wall:Ouch, Grain of salt, don't have to be so harsh, I was trying to help the guy. My first Post says Nothing about my experience. Guess I'll watch my posts more carefully! Thanks Roseman!


Well-Known Member
will have pictures in a bit. but plants are getting good in size still real short and busy. thick stems and shooting branches out already. the bottom set of first leaves are turning yellow and looking burnt. i dont know if that is normal or its getting nute burn but non of the new leaves have any burn or anything but they arent bright green kinda yellowish green. dont know if that is normal either..

other than minor bumps and worries i am having a good experience. thanks for all the help so far hope it continues. if anyone knows if anything is wrong from what i said please let me know so i can fix it. i will have pix up around in a couple of hours.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Are you still only feeding them a 1/4 dose of nutes? If so, you should probably bump it up to 1/2 strength at least. Are you using any micro nutes or cal-mag? If not, you need to get one or the other or they will show Mg deficiency pretty quickly. Post pics when you can so we can get a better idea of what you're going through.


Well-Known Member
here are pix of them.. i dont have either of what you said so i should prob get that.

1. pic of whole thing
2. the burn on the leave of white widow
3. pineapple express in front lemon skunk in back. their colors are yellowish green
4. white widow in front la woman in back. their more green but widow has that burn on bottom leaf.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Dude they look great I think you're overthinking although you may want to stay at whatever nute dose you're currently using. You should probably get some micro nutrients cause they will definitely need it when they get bigger.


Well-Known Member
ive been reading how alot of people say their bottom leaves turn yellowish but i thought that was in flowering.. but what micronutes would be recommended?? and thanks i think they look good too but i just think color is off. this is first time well second but i only let first plants get to about this point and some stuff came up so i had to abort so it might perfectly fine.


Well-Known Member
i use floranova grow and hard water softener. i have flora nova bloom also but as you know im not using that. but i dont think flora nova has any micronutes. i have no clue really bout nutes. thats what i really lack in.


Well-Known Member
here are 2 pix of the 2 that are burning or doing whatever they are doing. hopefully someone can help me out with that..

1. pineapple express: red = burn looking spot. blue = leaf really yellowish green.

2. white widow: marks look like a burn and blackish brown spot on 2 of the leaves.