being searched at a concert


does concert security have the right to search you without consent? one of my friends was searched by security at a concert and was arrested and taken to jail. was this search legal?


Active Member
I am prety sure when you purchase a ticket, you agree to the terms of sale.
If one of those terms is accepting being searched if required.
If you dont like the terms, dont go to the gig.

I am not being awkward here, I am a regular festival & gig patron and the increase in security over the last 5 or 6 years has sickened me, I find it an infringement on my civil liberties however, by turning up with ticket in hand, I am accepting whatever the promoter deems necesary.

As for "was the search legal?". Did your friend object to being searched? Were they pinned down and searched?
I think if your "friend" has issues with the outcome, they need legal representation.
I am in the Uk and our laws are different to the US. I dont have any legal experience or expertise, just trying to offer friendly suggestions. W

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I don't go to clubs in LA or Long beach anymore. I do not like to be searched it revokes my constitutional rights which makes me Angry! I would not patronize a place that searches you. I could see a metal detector for hand guns but pocket searches... Fuk em!
It's probably a legal search. Check points have always been deemed legal by nine guys wearing robes. There are some parameters, such as you can't only search black people at the check point. But the check everybody or check every fifth person, or whatever is the criteria, holds up every time.