being territorial.


New Member
I had a friend who got married and his new wife had three he goes to one of their houses...again...pretty new to the family...and he has too much to drink. He passes out.

Those gals did a complete make up job on him. He woke up late, and tore out of the house without looking in the mirror. he got about a hundred yards in his car before he noticed he was in drag.

Welcome to the family!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I had a friend who got married and his new wife had three he goes to one of their houses...again...pretty new to the family...and he has too much to drink. He passes out.

Those gals did a complete make up job on him. He woke up late, and tore out of the house without looking in the mirror. he got about a hundred yards in his car before he noticed he was in drag.

Welcome to the family!! :lol:
lol "friend" ... right, cracka ;)


Well-Known Member
just don't do anything and ignore her... I think girls who are loud and obnoxious obviously like attention, don't give it to her.... having said this, 99.9% of girls feed off drama... especially the ones that say they don't like drama haha... so don't start any of that either! I think your best bet is to just forget about her, because it sounds like she's still being a buzzkill to you even though she's not around. If the group of people you hang out with is mellow then chances are most of them probably feel the same way you do about her and she won't be hangin around too long. As the Beatles said, "Let It Be"

Now, i'd like you to roll up a fatty and watch this music video!


Well-Known Member
just don't do anything and ignore her... I think girls who are loud and obnoxious obviously like attention, don't give it to her.... having said this, 99.9% of girls feed off drama... especially the ones that say they don't like drama haha... so don't start any of that either! I think your best bet is to just forget about her, because it sounds like she's still being a buzzkill to you even though she's not around. If the group of people you hang out with is mellow then chances are most of them probably feel the same way you do about her and she won't be hangin around too long. As the Beatles said, "Let It Be"

Now, i'd like you to roll up a fatty and watch this music video!
lol thanks dude :D and i doubt i'll be seeing her again. she wasnt exactly "well received" by the others there...i just wanted to talk about it, to see what others thought..i just needed to vent my frustrations somewhere i guess lol and the people here can understand the issues that "buzzkills" can cause :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I had a friend who got married and his new wife had three he goes to one of their houses...again...pretty new to the family...and he has too much to drink. He passes out.

Those gals did a complete make up job on him. He woke up late, and tore out of the house without looking in the mirror. he got about a hundred yards in his car before he noticed he was in drag.

Welcome to the family!! :lol:
LMAO! That reminds me of what happened a week ago. I was chillin at my friends house, we were all drinkin and having a good time and the person who lives there gets a call from some dude named Mason. She asks if we want him over and noone seems to mind, so she goes to pick him up
When he gets there we are all in shock. He is the Typical "Wigger" Bragging about how he is a crip and whatnot. At one point he asked me if I want to be a professional Rapper. If you knew me at all you would find this halarious. He even asked before and I told him I don't like rap. He was coming onto Crystal, (The homeowner) really really strongly. She wasn't into it at all, so I took her into her bedroom and we pretended like we were getting it on (She wanted to get down to it, but I was too drunk.)

That's what I hate about Liquor, it makes you want to have sex more then anything in the world, but when it comes to it you can't get it up.

Anyways, we come out of the room, and he is passedout on the couch, under the cushions, We go outside and light up a joint, when we come in he has cig butts in his belly button, Marker all over him, Basically they shamed the shit out of him.

I went home, and aparently at some point he got up and walked home (He lived about 10 miles from the place, so I can only assume he was PISSED. And noone thinks he checked the mirror on the way home. They even took some pics, which I am now gonna share. :D



New Member
Hahahah!!! That's fantastic!!! Never pass out with folks who don't dig you!! :lol:

Glad to share with you Louis... as always.


New Member
What you learn to do with experience is to smile and get past them. Life's too short to dwell on the dweebs and arseholes. :wink:


New Member
Besides that...there are always enough "problem people" in either your family or your spouse's.... you don't need any more...:lol: