Hi there, I bought 2 packs of Beleaf seeds direct in November, Detective Buttersworth and Spaced Balls. I just want to share my experience here. No blame intended, just trying to share information, and get some advice. I was notified when funds received but then didn’t hear back for a month. I try to just be patient, I know people are busy so I usually don't sweat a delay or up to thee weeks.
I emailed about the delay once I realized they wouldn’t be here by Christmas and received a nice apologetic email. They looked into the order and I received it about a week later.
These we the Detective Buttersworth and Spaced Balls seeds.
I soaked them for about 12 hours in h20 with a small squirt of h2o2 to decrease any bacteria or fungus that may have carried on the seeds and planted in clean BAS seedling soil, watering on a scale to observe saturation % to keep them moist but not wet.
Once they started coming up a couple of them had weird split stems from the seed where it looked like 2 plants were coming out of one seed. One had entirely purple cotyledons. One was just stalled. I planted a tester with these seeds as a control and it came up perfectly.
I waited a good week and all the plants look either diseased or infected with something. The leaves are mutated, purple and have a spotty appearance to them. One more died. Watering carefully on a scale once a day, in 82f environment.
I emailed them photos and asked if they have a suspicion of what’s going on but haven’t heard back. Today I decided to toss all but three (10 to begin with). I’m concerned they may have come with an infection. Of course it could be me but my control seeds look great. I also planted 5 seeeds from a breeder I’ve had excellent experiences with as well in the same soil and conditions and watering protocols and they also came up perfectly.
Im going to send a few more pictures to them today in the hopes they have an idea or perhaps would replace them for me. I understand this could be my errors so I don’t want to be especially dogmatic but I’ve never seen seeds look like this and generally know what I’m doing.
Should I toss the remaining three in case they are infected? What do you think should be Beleaf’s response? Should I just shrug it off and accept some times seeds are a total loss?
Attaching files for reference: 1. Beleaf seedlings, 2. the control I planted with the beleaf seeds, and 3. the set of testers I planted a week later to see if I had made a mistake or had a contamination.
Beleaf seedlings (images):

Here is the control I planted at the same time:
Here are the seeds I planted a week later as testers to see if I had a situational issue: