Word just seen him on IG thanksCheck out Oregon Elite Seeds hes my boy he will do you right. He buys his beans out right. He has a good thread on his bank here on RIU
Word just seen him on IG thanksCheck out Oregon Elite Seeds hes my boy he will do you right. He buys his beans out right. He has a good thread on his bank here on RIU
Yo you Sure all is well with Bibb def shouldn't have the site shut down and IG. Life shouldn't interfere with business on that level . Plus it ain't the first time homies had some probs used to be motor city seeds. He's def not building a good name for himself
Was in the dark for a week and a half. With no hydro. Just got online a few days ago. Been trying to wade thru everything. As far as I can tell you, docs dank, Norstar, and a breeder from Black Sheep are all saying the same thing. He's been inflating prices and not paying for seed stock. I talked to SuperSoils partner on IG and she assured me it was family issues and they'd be back. As of now. Both IG accounts are gone as well as the phone number listed is disconnected. I'm just speculating but it doesn't look good on Bibb's part. Through another source that I can't name. Involving two breeders of the same outfit, one I told about all this shit he then mentioned it to his partner and was given a reason that doesn't really add up. If he is ripping everyone off I apologize for pushing this bank as I was going off of personal orders and orders that were fulfilled and posted up by other forum goers. I was always treated well along with a lot of other customers. Not really sure how or why shit got to this point but as I find out more I will definitely be in touch with some ppl thru DM.
Just reposting from the thread
Guess we'll see thanks for the infoJust reposting from the thread
Lol gotta get a ghilie suit and go in like a bush.
Lmao!!!"Righteous Justice". Grow out the seeds obtained, bloom, chop buds, make the ghillie from the chopped plants, then nab that fool in his own garden. Wearer be warned, he'll probably shit himself.
I cancelled my last order as i could feel the fuck over coming and it did. Sent in an order for some meat breath, didnt feel right so i cancelled it, two days later everything is shut down and dudes gone. So glad i didnt send my payment..Same with Substrate, ordered some inhouse and then cancelled, four days later, gone..
Sucks these guys are giving a bad name to new seedbanks, its going to make it hard for new contenders as people will eventually catch on and only go with banks that have been established.
I wont be buying from GU after learning he bought Sub's stock, thats just flat out devious, knowing what he did to people. Like GL ive always had a suspicion that sub and gu might be the same person though, i recall looking back at some of gu's posts during the substrate shit show (when he had an ig) and he seemed to be taking it easy down in flo-rida for a while there. Coincidence? Maybe..
Blacksheeps Mom was BIBBs web designer they were all partners bewareSpeaking of coincidence......
Theres a "breeder" on IG by the name of Blacksheep genetics. They were on bibb since the beginning. They had only one strain, Purple moon. And they offered Prime Crystal f2 as freebies with an order.
I followed them while doing some bean shopping back in june.
If you look at his IG posts, since monday he's been giving away Purple moon and prime crystal seeds. I asked him in a dm on Monday if he had heard from supersoil or anyone else at bibb. No response.
Rewind to last night....he starts going in on shutupjoe genetics about how supersoil isnt ripping ppl off. Talking shit to her and doc from docs dank.
I checked him on it in his post comments because its clear that many real breeders realize they've been got but he's acting like nothing is going on and lied.
In a dm later he says he got robbed too.
He deleted his post in which i clearly caught him up but i have plenty of screenshots to back this here post.
Supersoil even sent him a care package with genetics from breeders he in stock. Black sheep even made a post asking for all Maine breeders to dm supersoil lol
I'd love those screens man...I was able to get hella screenshots of his page,posts, and our dm convo before i unfollowed if anyone would like to see em let me know