Bending lower stems 8 weeks flower


hey everyone just wanted to post some pictures here of some lower stems on my plant that are bending down. anyone know why their doing this? Im almost 8 weeks flower and planning on going to 10 or 11...
my grow is 1 400w metal halide...3 plants...soil...20-20-20 for veg...15-30-15 for flower...closet grow...
thanks for the replies and please let me know why you think there doing this and some solutions///IMG_0362.jpgIMG_0363.jpgIMG_0364.jpg


Active Member
tall skinny and top heavy im thinking try to tie a string around all the stems the strong ones will hold it up


Active Member
That's 8 weeks into flower? Your doing something wrong buddy. Wrong lights, small pot, high temps. What are your conditions?


65-70 at night...80-87 in day...soil...15-30-15 nutes(dont put tht much in)...1 400w metal halide, 2 40w fluro tubes, 2 15w cfls...small white painted closet...buds are pretty small at bottom but there 5 1/2 foot plants so theres way more at top... lol i aint doin tht much wrong! good enough lights, ~2 gallon pots, pretty good tempss


yeah they are just on that plant unfortunately...vegged with 2 40w fluro tubes full spectrum and 2 cfls 15w for 10 wks