Beneficial to use a handful of soil from the forest in my AACT?


Well-Known Member
Yes....i dark dirt under the stumps...then the leaves...move back untill u see the first layer of dirt and moldy leaves


Well-Known Member
He helped me and actually took time for me to understand the shit...somewhat...enough that I grew plants like I never grew before....


Well-Known Member
Cedar can inhibit growth and must be composted first with a high value nitrogen source and even then in moderation. Cedar is better for fence posts and rustic furniture or even mulch. Fine pine bark is fine though.

I had a huge oak down the hill fall over and rot over time. After the Pileated Woodpecker I carried several buckets of soft decomposing wood chips up to my compost pile and turned them under.


Well-Known Member
You can spray a microbial tea yes...i personally only done I once but I wish I would of done it more ....ask around or check out some organic foliar sprays. But plain ol ewc and a car source w good compost makes a good I'm sure something w all kinda diff microbes would be just the bees knees


Well-Known Member
Grease taught me about using wood chunks for aeration and also to hold nutes and retain find an old log when its wet that u could just tear the middle pit of fairly easily....go back when its dry an break off quarter,50 cent piece and a lil bigger sizes.....piss in a bucket and dilute..or use some other sort or mute and let the chunks soak it up and add to your soil mix....roots will grow right through them too....retain water...aerate....and hold nutes....cant beat too...just whatch what kinda tree ur using