Benefits/problems with growing in a furnace/hot water heater room?


Active Member

Anyway, I tried a quick search on this, and couldn't find anything really substantial. I'm planning on starting my first grow room in a basement room that houses my hot water heater and furnace. Now I know both pilot lights run on natural gas, and that Natural Gas's main biproduct is CO2, which naturally is beneficial, but what about the other biproducts?

from natural
Fossil Fuel Emission Levels
- Pounds per Billion Btu of Energy Input
Pollutant Natural Gas
Carbon Dioxide 117,000
Carbon Monoxide 40
Nitrogen Oxides 92
Sulfur Dioxide 1
Particulates 7

So, in terms of two pilot lights, I assume nothing besides the CO2 will effect the plants, but does anyone have experience with this? Is the CO2 substantial enough to change anything? How about these other pollutants? Are there any hazards I (we) should be aware of?

If it makes any difference, I'm using HPS lights and hydro.

Thanks, and sorry if this has been asked a dozen times over.

EDIT: Room dimensions are approximately 8ft x 4ft.

EDIT/SOLUTION: For those who may have stumbled onto this thread with the same question as me, this thread has all of the answers as well as some helpful tips:


Well-Known Member
Getting CO2 from a water heater is actually a preferred method of growing indoors. There are several ways to actually use a water heater to get optimal CO2 levels with minor DIY work.

Use the search feature!


Active Member
Thanks for the reply.

I did try the search feature, but didn't find anything really comprehensive on the subject. I just tried again searching more than newbie central and found a ton of threads. Sorry for the waste of time.


Well-Known Member
I run a 600w in an Extrasun 6 with no air cooling whatsoever in my furnace room and my temps rarely get above 75. I also don't have to run a de-humidifyer due to our air being crazy dry.

What you encounter is going to depend on where you live