Bensencox's Big Yield Outdoor Grow: The Church, Kc Brains TRN & Doulble D


Active Member
Hello everyone this is my 2nd ever grow I grew one plant last season unfortunately it was a male in the end. But not to worry that experience taught me a lot about growing cannabis:leaf:

I will begin by sprouting my plants under a 45w LED grow lamp and vegging for a month, getting a head start on the season. I started a test plant a short while back to prove the LEDs work well at least for veg I wouldnt do an entire grow under it.

My goal for this grow is to yield large amounts of weed; easier said than done.
Thats why I have choosen these strains + I cant find a grow journal on neither of these KC brains strains.

The 1st pic is the test plant i veged it for a month and a bit.

Feel free to give criticism but please show respect



Active Member
Im in Australia spring is next month so early start

also im going to try and grow as organic as i can so i will have my holes dug and soil mixed in the coming weeks.


Active Member
the seedlings have just started to sprout with one of the TRNs being the biggest so far

heres the pic sorry bout the quality I will take some hi def shots when i get some batteries for my good camera.



Active Member
OK Today I transplanted all of my seedlings to pots.

I used half of my mad compost that Ive been brewing for the last year getting ready for this and half potting mix.

I buried some of the peat pellets deeper to even out the height to try and have a level canopy while Im growing indoors.

I also so threw in a pic of the test bagseed plant its outdoors now and slowly dying from the cold night temperatures

The only thing that more fun than growing it is smoking it!:joint:



Active Member
A couple of days ago I discarded 2 plants that were weak. So the grow has gone from 16 to 14 plants.
Later three more of the double ds began showing the same traits as the other discarded plants falling over so rather than getting rid of them i staked them then fed all the crop a nitrogen rich fertilizer NPK 14:2:4 this fixed the problem
heres the pic



Active Member
yeah I know Im going to get some stacks of coasters for the mean time so I can level them out under my light until I upgrade to CFLs me mates got some hes giving to me.


Active Member
ok its been a while just been busybongsmilie
anyway Ive discarded a few plants that were weak and I needed the room. Ive also put a few extra plants outside now that its spring here.

Some have started to thrive while the others are getting adjusted plus we had a frost the other night.

The first pic is the indoor plants I didnt end up getting CFLS, they are a bit stretched but fuck it I dont care they will come good when I put them outside.
The second pic is the few that I put outside( a couple of tnrs the church and DD)
3rd Pic is the test bagseed it survived after all it will be a good plant hopefully produce some quality heads.


Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Nice job dude. Its good to see a local (SC NSW) on RIU. My first big grow was organic. I switched to a chemical Hydroponic system and never looked back. If your principle goal is to grow lots of dope I would have them under HID be feeding those bitches all the chems they can handle. You can pinch (supercrop) your plants to alleviate some of that stretch and get them to bush right out. More heads = more buds. I've been doing it over the last couple of weeks (check my journal) with great results.

