benzodiazipine rc's?


Active Member
Phenazepam has a very long half life. Also from what I've heard it's not really pleasent like xanax or valium. But I have no personal experience. Also for $30-50 you should be getting aroung a gram. Go take a look at the wikipedia entry for complete details regarding pharmacology as my memory sucks


Well-Known Member
Any one need a legit site to get cheap ass benzo's and all sorts of other pills I got a great one Ive ordered from for years! No rc's tho. hit me back if you want it.


Well-Known Member
To OP:

If the vendor is try to sell you "benzodiazapine RC" it is most likely Phenazepam.

I have tried it and think its good, but will last a long time. I took it at midnight fell asleep at 3 and went to work at 230 the next afternoon still feeling the effects which are just like a valium. If you are going to get some make sure you have any good accurate scale because the difference between .5mg and 2mg is ALOT. If you have friend pushin xanax pills I would recommend that because it has more euphoria and standardized dosage. Have fun and be safe