Benzos after eating


Well-Known Member
Never work for me! I can never feel benzos if i take them after i eat!

But on a empty there godly. What gives?
Your stomach doesn't have to digest all that other food along with the benzos when you don't eat. So on an empty stomach the benzos are absorbed quickly because that's the only thing your stomach has to concentrate on breaking down and absorbing, And if you parachute it it makes it even easier because it's in a more soluble form.

I love me some xanax, getting some 2mg bars tonight!


Well-Known Member
GABA... it works pretty much the same way xanax would work but is more natural I suppose... but it hardly give a feel good feeling benzo's have.

Here is another awesome stress and anxiety supplement... It gives you more an up beat relaxed buzz it can also be found in green tea :)

Also if you want a good steady boost of dopamine throughout the day take 1000 IU of Vitamin D... It's a big precursor to the production of dopamine
if you can tell me that this works in patients with severe anxiety/panic disorder, i'll throw my benzos out the window and get the monkey off my back.
alot of studies have shown that GABA doesn't work the same way mild tranquilizers work.
other suggestions other than the GABA could include (but do not work IMO) Kava Kava, Valerian root, Chamomile, GABA, Melatonin,
But GABA does not work like xanax.... you may have it confused with the fact that benzos work on GABA receptors as well as serotonin. the fact that you're taking GABA doesn't mean that it's hitting your receptors, it just means your taking a chemical that's already present in the brain. other thing to add about the delivery of benzos....
... don't snort them ( they don't break the blood-brain barrier like coke or opiates, so all that pill is just being lost and gunking up your nose
.... the under the tongue method works somewhat for a quicker delivery ..but once again... you're still waiting for the pill to kick in
.... dose yourself accordingly ..most people don't know how to handle benzos and end up fighting, fucking, and/or destroy everything around you and have no idea why or how this happend. Take your benzos with care please..... these are a threaputic drug near and dear to my heart, but way too much misinformation about it's effects and uses..
believe me when i say the best way to take em is to swallow em, with or without food, whatever you like. don't waste them up your nose ........and for you IV users ...if you haven't tried already ....... you CANNOT shoot a benzo .... the pills just aren't designed that way.

from the words of Dr. Steve Brule..." for your health!"


Well-Known Member
Your stomach doesn't have to digest all that other food along with the benzos when you don't eat. So on an empty stomach the benzos are absorbed quickly because that's the only thing your stomach has to concentrate on breaking down and absorbing, And if you parachute it it makes it even easier because it's in a more soluble form.

I love me some xanax, getting some 2mg bars tonight!
i have to disagree with parachuting them .... why not just chew?? surely you've seen xanax before.. they are uncoated pills, they dissolve fairly quick. Clonazepam is a bit different they have a coating which makes for a bit of a slower release (not much different). but parachuting them is going to give you the same effect.. if they're in your stomach they'll work. chewed or unchewed. powder or pill
also benzos are a unique drug and don't have to pass through the digestive system completly to work ... so they get absorbed quicker than the food ....however stomach contents delays it's effects clearly


Well-Known Member
gaba does not work like xanax this has been said your not gonna get a buzz of it but for sever anxiety ( i have aspbergers) gaba + mj works great