Benzo's "halloween 250 grow" check out pics


Well-Known Member
They are looking healthy but will run into probs if you don't separate those soon. One can suffocate the other's roots, or worse, rape the other.
-Mister Nice GUY

ps, i knew that was the puff thing. I just made some cannabutter rice crispys treats with it lol


Well-Known Member
They are looking healthy but will run into probs if you don't separate those soon. One can suffocate the other's roots, or worse, rape the other.
-Mister Nice GUY

ps, i knew that was the puff thing. I just made some cannabutter rice crispys treats with it lol

yeah yeah I know im just gonna let it grow, all the others from now on will be one per container. It was just a tester 2 see if I could grow in the high heat temps I found out its possible peace

ps - what the f*ck are canna butter rice crispy treats :confused: I heard of bud brownies


Well-Known Member
Wha, you can make Bud Everything man! You make a butter from the trim or buds, leafs ect. And can use this in anything you would butter. Ie: rice crispy treats, cheesecake, toast, or what have you =). Do a search on my posts i have given a lot of details on this and am too high to retype =)
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: Update 12-1-08 :mrgreen:

Well im surprised 2 say 7 out of 8 seeds sprouted into nice green babys and anothor sprout poped up next 2 the twins,anywayz I think my idea of douseing the soil with 8-7-6 nutes when I started was a good idea the new plants are really green with large leaf mass and "thetwins" are growing like a weed with a bunch of growth in little time all I have 2 say is Im impressed. The hps has been on 24/7 with only 1 hour of dark for cool down time anywayz will have more updated pics with more pots in the next couple dayz peace and feel free 2 comment peace happy growin+smokinbongsmilie



Well-Known Member
That temp is running wayyyyyy high man. Don't bake em to death, vent some air in there or run some c02.

Either will make them grow faster too :)


Well-Known Member
Well heres some shots of my babys, I woke up today roasted a bowl in my bubbler and transpalnted the biggest of "the twins" into bigger container and murdered the other 2 small ones. Now all plants are in their own containers. Iam down to 8 plants with about 5 good ones the other 3 look small and have a little nute burn, my plants appear super healthy and love the hps+early nutes. I have still been watering 8-7-6 nutes. Happy growin+smokin peace

p.s 2 downthedrains yeah i know i took pics when it was the hottest time of day remember my grow is outside in a patio closet so temps go up and down look how cool it is in their now:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: Okay heres the interview of the plants pic and info 12-5-08

Pic 1 - This is my oldest and best lookin plant sex unknown?:weed:

Pic 2 - This is my second best lookin plant really green + healthy sex unknown? also younger than 1st pic:-D

Pic 3 - This is a shot of my 3rd best plant looks same as the 2nd pic and the one in the top left is a plant with some nute burn sex unknown?:blsmoke:

Pic 4 - Group shot I like 2 call them "family photos" :mrgreen:

Pic 5 - This is a shot of a plant the always kinda looked funny I dont know I might murder it ? :twisted:

Pic 6 - Anothor "family photo" I still plan of filling up the whole floor space with a couple more new containers :blsmoke:

Pic 7 - Heres a shot of 23 grams of some decent bud that I smoke on through out the day it is also where I get my beanzbongsmilie:mrgreen:

Pic 8 & 9 -Heres some shots of what I have been saving up over the past couple months is also what is 2 come once I get some more soil:eyesmoke:

Okay so there it is please feel free 2 comment or if u just wanna talk shit :mrgreen: just kiddin I will update next week or so in the mean time I will still be feeding 8-7-6 to all plants including new ones 2 come now im gonna eat lunch and smoke a bunch of weed and play my video game peace happy growin+smokin

